GROL Flashcards
What transmitting equipment is authorized for use by a station in the maritime services?
Unless, specifically excepted, only transmitters certified by the FCC for part 80 operations.
What is the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)?
An automated ship-to-shore distress alerting system using satellite and advanced terrestrial
communications systems.
What authority does the Marine Radio Operator Permit confer?
Confers authority to operate licensed radio stations in the Aviation, Marine and International Fixed
Public Radio Services.@@
Which of the following persons are ineligible to be issued a commercial radio operator license?
Individuals who are unable to send and receive correctly by telephone spoken messages in English.
Who is required to make entries on a required service or maintenance log?
The operator responsible for the station operation or maintenance.
What is a requirement of every commercial operator on duty and in charge of a transmitting
The original license or a photocopy must be posted or in the operator’s personal possession and
available for inspection
What is distress traffic?
All messages relative to the immediate assistance required by a ship, aircraft or other vehicle in
imminent danger
What is a maritime mobile repeater station?
A fixed land station used to extend the communications range of ship and coast stations.
What is an urgency transmission?
A communications transmission concerning the safety of a ship, aircraft or other vehicle, or of some
person on board or within sight
What is a ship earth station?
A mobile satellite station located on board a vessel.
What is the internationally recognized urgency signal?
The word “PAN” spoken three times before the urgent call.
What is a safety transmission?
communications transmission which indicates that a station is preparing to transmit an important
navigation or weather warning
What is a requirement of all marine transmitting apparatus used aboard United States vessels?
Only equipment that has been type accepted by the FCC for Part 80 operations is authorized.
Where do you submit an application for inspection of a ship radio station?
To the Engineer-in-Charge of the FCC District Office nearest the proposed place of inspection.
What are the antenna requirements of a VHF telephony coast, marine utility or ship station?
The shore or on-board antenna must be vertically polarized.
What regulations govern the use and operation of FCC-licensed ship stations operating in
international waters?
Part 80 of the FCC Rules plus the international Radio Regulations and agreements to which the United
States is a party.
Which of the following transmissions are not authorized in the Maritime Service?
Needless or superfluous radiocommunications.
What are the highest priority communications from ships at sea?
Distress calls, and communications preceded by the international urgency and safety signals.
What is the best way for a radio operator to minimize or prevent interference to other stations?
Determine that a frequency is not in use by monitoring the frequency before transmitting.
Under what circumstances may a ship or aircraft station interfere with a public coast station?
In cases of distress.
Who determines when a ship station may transmit routine traffic destined for a coast or
Government station in the maritime mobile service?
Ship stations must comply with instructions given by the coast or Government station.
Who is responsible for payment of all charges accruing to other facilities for the handling or
forwarding of messages?
The licensee of the ship station transmitting the messages.
What is the general obligation of a coast or marine-utility station?
To acknowledge and receive all calls directed to it by ship or aircraft stations.
When does a maritime radar transmitter identify its station?
Radar transmitters must not transmit station identification
Ordinarily, how often would a station using a telephony emission identify?
At the beginning and end of each communication and at 15 minute intervals.@@
How does a coast station notify a ship that it has a message for the ship?
The coast station may transmit at intervals lists of call signs in alphabetical order for which they have
Under what circumstances may a coast station using telephony transmit a general call to a group
of vessels?
When announcing or preceding the transmission of distress, urgency, safety or other important
Who has ultimate control of service at a ship’s radio station?
The master of the ship.
What is the power limitation of associated ship stations operating under the authority of a ship
station license?
Power is limited to one watt.
How is an associated vessel operating under the authority of another ship station license
By the call sign of the station with which it is connected and an appropriate unit designator.