Groin Lump 2 Flashcards
What would a lump that expands and increases in tension during coughing suggest?
diagnostic of hernias
How do you detect if lump has cough impulse?
put hands over lump and ask patient to cough
How does a direct inguinal hernia react to a cough impulse?
expand outwards (through the defect in the posterior wall of the inguinal canal)
How does an indirect inguinal hernia react to a cough impulse?
expand along path of the inguinal canal in an inferiomedial direction
Which are the only reducible groin lumps?
- hernias
2. saphenia varix
How does a saphenia varix reduce?
rare, bluish swelling only seen when patient stands - will empty with minimal palpitation and full upon release of pressure
How does a direct inguinal hernia reduce?
superior and posteriorly
How does an indirect inguinal hernia reduce?
reduce superolaterally and posteriorly - tend to reduced along length of inguinal canal
Are all hernias reducible?
Do you percuss a groin lump?
Why do you auscultate a groin lump?
audible bowel sounds likely to represent herniated bowel
What conditions may predispose to hernia formation?
abdominal masses e.g ascites, tumour, faeceal loading (increases intra-abdominal pressure)
What is a reducible inguinal hernia?
fluctuant mass, with cough impulse, that has origin superior and medial to pubic tubercle
What is a bedside test to distinguish between direct or indirect hernias?
how sac protrudes
How does the sac protrude in a direct inguinal hernia?
through a defect in trasnversalis fascia which forms posterior wall of inguinal canal
How does the sac protrude in aa indirect inguinal hernia?
through the deep inguinal ring at the lateral end of the inguinal canal
How could you reduce an indirect inguinal hernia?
applying pressure to the deep inguinal ring
How do you carry out this bedside test?
- Reduce hernia and then place finger over deep ring (at midpoint of inguinal ligament)
- Ask patient to cough
- If hernia reappears while your finger is still occluding the deep ring hernia must be direct (or finger in wrong place)
- Indirect hernia reappear only when pressure over deep ring released
Which type of inguinal hernia is more common?
75% indirect and 25% direct - can coexist as pantaloon hernia
What is the origin of an indirect inguinal hernia?
lateral to the deep inferior epigastric artery (lies medial to the deep inguinal ring)
What is the origin of a direct inguinal hernia?
medial to the deep inferior epigastric artery
Which type of inguinal hernia has higher risk of strangulation and why?
- indirect as the hernial sac passes through a smaller defect (compared with the hole in the transversalis fascia that direct hernias pass through)
- explains why direct hernias have a greater tendancy to spontaneously reduce when patient lie down
What is the management for a right reducible indirect inguinal hernia?
elective surgical repair