Greetings, Introductions and Politeness Flashcards
Introduce Yourself - name, age, nationality and where you live
Bonjour! Je m'appelle Jiya Jain J'ai vingt ans Je suis indienne J'habit a Pune en Inde
What is informal hello?
What is have a nice day?
bonne journée
What is bonne soiree?
Have a nice evening
Good night / Have a nice night
Bonne nuit
What is See you Tomorrow?
A demain
[aa day-maan]
How’s it going?
It’s going okay.
ça va? [sa va]
ça va.
What is tu vas bien?
You doing well?
How to reply to tu vas bien?
Oui, tres bien, et toi?
Repeat, please.
Repetez, s’il vous plait!
Excuse me, I did not comprehend.
Excusez-moi, je ne comprends pas!
What is desole?
Ask - what is your name?
Comment vous applelez-vous?
Ask - what is your age?
Quel age avez-vous?
Ask - what is your nationality?
Quelle est votre nationalite?
[kel ay votre na-sio-ne-le-tay]
Ask - where do you live?
Ou habitez-vous?