Greetings, goodbyes and introduction Flashcards
How are you?
Kifik/ Kifak / Kifkon
Good (in response to: how are you?)
Mnih (M)/ Mniha (F)
Good morning (formal and informal)
Sabaho (Informal) / Sabah l khier / Sabah l nour
Good evening
Masa l kheir/ Masa l nour
See you later
Bshoufik ba3den / Bshoufak ba3den
See you soon
Bshoufik ariban / Bshoufak ariban
See you tomorrow
Bshoufik boukra / Bshoufak boukra
Hello, how are you? Good? I’m fine, and you? (informal and formal)
Marhaba, kifik/ ak, mniha/ mnih? Ana mniha/ mnih, w ente/ enta? (or w hadertik/ hadertak for formal)
I’m very good/ very bad/ so so (in response to ‘kifik/ ak’)
Ana ktir mniha/ mnih // Ana mesh mniha/ mnih // Noss Noss
I’m very busy
Ana ktir mashgoule
What’s your name? My name is ______
Shou emsik/ ak? (Ana) esme Sara
What’s your surname? My surname is _____
Shou 3eltik? 3elte Minelli
Nice to meet you!
Tcharrafna/ Tcharrafna bi mareftik/ ak
What are the possessive suffixes?
my =
your (masculine) =
your (feminine) =
her =
his =
our =
your (pl) =
their =
my = -e
your (masculine) = -ak
your (feminine) = -ik
her = -a
his = -o
our = -na
your (pl) = -kon
their = -on
How old are you? I am ______ years old
Adde 3omrik/ ak? 3omre sabah w tleteen sene (37)
What is your nationality?
I am (nationality):
- Lebanese
- Italian
- Emirati
- French
- American
Shou jensiytik/ ik?
I am (nationality):
- Lebanese
- Italian
- Emirati
- French
- American
- lebneniye (F) / lebnene
- italiye / itale
- imaratiye / imarate
- faransiye / faranse
- amerkeniye / amrkene
Where do you live?
I live in ____
Wen sekne / 3ayche (F)?
Wen seken/ 3ayesh (M)?
Sekne/ 3ayche bi Dubai
Seken/ 3ayesh bi lebnen
What do you study?
I study ___
Shou btederse? (F)
Shou btedros? (M)
(Ana) bedros arabe lebnene
Where do you study?
I study online
I study at school
I study at ….
Wen btederse? (F)
Wen btedros? (M)
Bedros online
Bedros bel madrase
Bedros bi Dubai
What are the pronouns?
I =
You (F) =
You (M) =
She =
He =
We =
You =
They =
I = ana
You (F) = ente
You (M) = enta
She = hiye
He = houwe
We = nehna
You = ento
They = henne