Greetings and basic verbs Flashcards
grüß gott
God bless you (formal)
God bless you (formal)
grüß gott
Guten Tag
good day (formal)
good day (formal)
Guten Tag
guten morgen
good morning (formal)
good morning (formal)
guten morgen
guten abend
good evening (formal)
good evening (formal)
guten abend
auf wiedersehen
Goodbye (formal)
Goodbye (formal)
auf wiedersehen
gut nacht
good night
good night
gut nacht
bye (informal)
bye (informal)
Grüß dich
Howdy (informal)
Howdy (informal)
Grüß dich
thank you
thank you
to ask (irregular verb)
to ask (irregular verb)
I ask
Ich bat
Ich bat
I ask
you ask
du batest
du batest
you ask
er bat
he asks
he asks
er bat
we ask
wir baten
wir baten
we ask
ihr baten
you all ask
you all ask
ihr baten
they ask
sie baten
sie baten
they ask
wie geht es dir?
how are you? (informal)
how are you? (informal)
wie geht es dir?
Wie geht es Ihnen?
How are you doing? (formal)
How are you doing? (formal)
Wie geht es lhnen?
und dir?
and you? (informal)
and you? (informal)
und dir?
to be called (irregular verb)
to be called (irregular verb)
ich heiße
I am called
I am called
ich heiße
du heißt
you are called
sie heißen
they all are called
they are called
sie heißen
you are called
du heißt
wir heißen
we are called
we are called
wir heißen
ihr heißt
you all are called
you all are called
ihr heißt
sie heißen
they all are called
they all are called
sie heißen
Wie heißt du?
what is your name?
what is your name?
wie heißt du?
bushstabiere es, bitte
spell it please
spell it please
bushstabiere es, bitte
to be
to be
sein (irregular verb)
ich bin
I am
I am
ich bin
du bist
you are
you are
du bist
er/sie/es ist
he/she/it is
he/she/it is
er/sie/es ist
wir sind
we are
we are
wir sind
ihr seid
you all are
you all are
ihr seid
sie sind
they all are
they all are
sie sind
wie alt bist du?
how old are you?
how old are you?
wie alt bist du?
german standard -en verb 1st person singular
german standard -en verb 1st person singular
german standard verb -en 2nd person singular
german standard verb -en 2nd person singular
german standard verb -en 3rd person singular
german standard verb -en 3rd person singular
german standard verb -en 1st person plural
german standard verb -en 1st person plural
german standard verb -en 2nd person plural
german standard verb -en 2nd person plural
german standard verb -en 3rd person plural
german standard verb -en 3rd person plural
german standard infinitive 1st person singular
german standard infinitive 1st person singular
german standard infinitive 2nd person singular
german standard infinitive 2nd person singular
er, sie, es
german standard infinitive 3rd person singular
german standard infinitive 3rd person singular
er, sie, es
german standard infinitive 1st person plural
german standard infinitive 1st person plural
german standard infinitive 2nd person plural
german standard infinitive 2nd person plural
german standard infinitive 3rd person plural
german standard infinitive 3rd person plural