Greetings Flashcards
Hei mihi ki te tangata kotahi
Greetings, one person
Tēnā koe
Tēnā rā koe
Hello, greetings to you
Tēnā koe Piripi
Hello Piripi
Tēnā koe e Ora
Hello Ora
Tēnā koe e Aroha
Hello Aroha
Tēnā koe e Ani
Hello Ani
Hei mihi ki te tokorua
Greeting two people
Tēnā kōrua
Hello, greetings to you (two)
Tēnā (rā) kōrua
Greetings to you (two)
Tēnā kōrua e hoa mā
Greetings to you friends
Tēnā kōrua Piripi kōrua ko Ora
Greetings to you Piripi and Ora
Tēnā kōrua Piripi mā
Greetings to you Piripi and friends
Tēnā kōrua Aroha kōrua ko Tame
Greetings to you Aroha and Tame
Hei mihi ki te tokomaha
Greeting more than two people
Tēnā koutou
Hello, greetings to you (3 or more people)
Tēnā (rā) koutou
Hello greetings to you all
Tēnā koutou e te whānau
Greetings to you whānau
Tēnā koutou Katia e te iwi
Greetings to you all people