Greetings Flashcards
Good Morning
Boker Tov
Good Night
Layla Tov
Good Afternoon
Akhar Hatsoyorayeem Toveem
Tsahara’im toveem
How are you? (s/f m&f)
Manishma ?
Ma shlom kka ♂️
Ma shlom ekh ♀️
Ma shlom khem♂️♂️
Ma shlom khot ♀️♀️
You are welcome (it is nothing)
Al lo davar
Excuse me
No Problem
E’een be’aya
I am (very) sorry (m&f)
Ani me’od meetstaer
Ani me’od meetstaeret
Very well
tov me’od
Toda Raba
Toda Raba Otah / Otra
i am fine
Anee beseder
and you?
what is you name?
Ekh kor’eem lekha ♂️ lakh ♀️
my name is
Kor’eem lee
repeat please
Takhzor Bev’akasha
Where are you from?
meh’ eyfo ata
Ah my life (endearing comment)
Khaim shelee
Ah my soul (endearing comment)
ne’shama shelee
Sleep well (♀️)
Tesh’nee tov
I don’t understand
Ani lo meveen
speak slowly
daber le’at
Bon Appetite
Bete Avon
good luck
mazal tov
Happy (and sweet) new year
Shana tova u metukah
Happy holidays
Chag same’ach
Sleep well
Tishan tov
Well done
(All the honour / respect)
Kol hakavot
Happy Birthday
Yom huledet sameakh
Sweet Dreams
Khalomot metukeem
Have a good week
Shavua tov
The holy blessed one
Ha kadosh barukh hoo