Green -Literature #1 Flashcards
what story has the main charactors of jo march and beth march
litltle women
In this book this greiving man after losing his wife talks to a bird.
The Raven
A book about people who journey around the world?
The PickWIck Papers
Author had ten kids and a wife
Charles Dickens
How many poems are in A Child’s Garden of Verses?
Over 60 (65)
The main charater of A Christmas Carol?
Ebenzor Scrooge
What author was born on November 13, 1850?
Robert Louis Stevenson
What year was Treasure Island published in?
What book was made in January 5, 1886 and is by Stevenson?
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
what book is the sequal to little women
little men
Who wrote A Child’s Garden of Verses?
Robert Louis Stevenson
What year was A Child’s Garden of Verses was published in?
Charles Dickens first novel?
The Pick Wick papers
Where was Edgar Allen Poe born?
Boston, MA
This story by Edgar Allen Poe had a bug that helped the main character regain his fortune.
Gold Bug
the story about a sick girl put into an orphange
8 Cousins
This book by Edgar Allen Poe had a man in deep love until angels runied it.
Annabel Lee
what american author was born in phiadlephia PA
louisa may allot
the story about school time
little men
the story thats about four sisters from childhood to womenhood
little women
This story by Edgar Allen Poe had a lady that was destroyed because of jellous angels.
Annabel Lee
A 20 year old man falls in love with a 13 old girl?
Romeo and juliet and lord montague
a book about magic, betrayl and love
The Tempest, Hamlet, Romeo and juliet
where is shakespeare from
Stratford-upon-Avon, United Kingdom
The main charater of Oliver Twist?
Oliver Twist
what are shakespeare three main books
The Tempest, Hamlet, Romeo and juliet
Where was Robert Louis Stevenson from?
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
rose cambell is the ain charector of waht book
eight cousins
what book is about a man looking for revenge on his uncle?
Author had seven siblings and is most notably know for his Christmas book?
Charles Dickens
Author born in Porthsmith UK
Charles Dickens
Who is the main character in Treasure Island?
Jim Hawkins
jo march and john brooke are the main charactors of what book
little men
A book about Ebenzor Scrooge and Ghost of Christmas Persent going around town?
A Christmas Carol
what american author wrote over 40 books
louisa may allot
Who are the main charcters in the tempest
prospero, caliban and antonio
what is louisa may allots most famous book
litltle women
This story by Edgar Allen Poe was very dark and had a bird.
The Raven
who are the main charcters in romeo and juliet
Romeo and juliet and lord montague
Who are the main charcters in Hamlet?
Prince hamlet, king cladious and Ophelia
A book about a young orphan boy that works and lives in a factory?
Oliver Twist
This book by Edgar Allen Poe had a dude named Jupiter.
Gold Bug
What century was Edgar Allen Poe born in?
19th Century (1800s)
The main charater of the Pick Wick papers?
Samuel Pickwick
How was Edgar Allen Poe’s childhood like? (Good or bad)
Dr. Jekyll is the alternate personality of who?
Mr. Hyde
Who is the alternate personality in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?
Dr. Jekyll