Green Book 1 Flashcards
Good morning
Selamat pagi
A word used in greetings (safe)
Good day
Selamat siang
Good afternoon
Selamat sore
Good evening
Selamat malam
Enjoy your meal
Selamat makan
Have a safe journey
Selamat jalan
Have a good sleep
Selamat tidur
How are you
Apa kabar
What would you like to drink (to a woman)
Mau minim apa, bu?
What would you like to drink (to a man)
Mau Makan apa, pak
What’s up, what’s wrong
Ada apa, bu/pak
What was this
Ini apa
This is your room
Ini kamar anda
Hari ini
This morning
Pagi ini
What’s that?
Itu apa / apa Itu
Who’s that
Itu siapa
That’s my wife
Itu isteri saya
That is expensive
Itu mahal
That is cheap
Itu murah
There is / are
Is there room?
Ada kamar?
There is room
Ada kamar.
Is mr. Bevan there
Pak bevan Ada?
Is mr bevan at home
Pak bevan Ada di rumah?
Ada. Yes he is
Tidak Ada. No he is not
Do you have beer
Ada bir?
A mother; a mature woman; madam, mrs.
My mother
Ibu saya
That woman
Ibu Itu
Is your mother home?
Ibu Ada
Have you already eaten
Ibu sudah makan
Father; a mature man; mr, sir
Where are you going sir?
Mau ke mana, pak
In the process of; still (used to express the present continues state)
What are you doing ( to a woman )
Lagi apa, bu
Lagi makan
Mrs Abbott is busy (in the middle of doing something)
Bu Abbott lagi sibuk
Mr bevan is out
Pak bevan lagi keluar
Mr trito has come home
Pak trito sudah pulang
The children are asleep
Anaknya sudah tidur
Are you ready?
Sudah siap?
Sudah, yes I am
It’s late (in the afternoon)
Sudah sore
Late in the evening sudah malam
Have you eaten
Sudah makan
To ask for
May I have some help?
Minta tolong, pak
I am seeking information
Minta informasi pak