Greek Words Flashcards
Ab-, a-, abs-
away from
abrasive: Ras: Ive:
Abrasive: Rough, coarse, harsh
Ras: Scrape, shave Ive: like
EX: The wood should be rubbed down with fine abrasive paper.
Abasment: Ab: ment:
Abasement: Humiliation, degradation
Ab: Away from; Ment: Act of, result
EX: The girl yelled at her sister’s abasement.
Abrogate: Ab: Rog: Ate:
Abrogate: Cancel, deny, repeal
Ab: Away from Rog: Ask Ate: To make
EX: There was a proposal to abrogate temporarily the right to strike.
.Abstain: Ab: St:
Abstain: restrain oneself from doing or enjoying something
Ab: away St: stand
EX: He was abstaining from chocolate.
Abstemious: Ab: St: Ous:
.Abstemious: not self-indulgent, especially when eating and drinking.
Ab: away st: stand ous: full of
That is very abstemious of you.
Abdicate: Ab: Dict: Ate:
Abdicate: (of a monarch) renounce one’s throne.
ab:away dict:speak ate:once acted upon
In 1918 Kaiser Wilhelm abdicated as German emperor.
Abduction: Ab: Duct: Ion:
Abduction: the action or an instance of forcibly taking someone away against their will.
Ab:away duct:lead ion: action or condition
The high cases of abduction on little kids grew to scare parents.
Abjure: Ab: Jur:
Abjure:solemnly renounce (a belief, cause, or claim).
Ab:away jur: swear
His refusal to abjure the Catholic faith was shocking.
Abrade: Ab: Rad:
Abrade:scrape or wear away by friction or erosion.
Ab:away rad: scrape or shave
A landscape slowly abraded by a fine, stinging dust.
Abeyance: Ab: Ance:
Abeyance:a state of temporary disuse or suspension.
Ab:away ance: state or quality
The matters were held in abeyance pending further inquiries.
Abnormal: Ab al:
Abnormal: deviating from what is normal or usual, typically in a way that is undesirable or worrying.
Ab:away al: relating to
The illness is recognizable from the patient’s abnormal behavior.
Manufacture: Manu: Act:
Manufacture: To create/ produce something
Manu: hand act: To do or move
They manufactured the refrigerators in Oklahoma.
Activate: Act: Ate:
Activate: to cause to function
Act: do ate: cause and make
Fumes from cooking are enough to activate the alarm.
Aerial: Aer: Al:
. Aerial: existing, happening, or operating in the air.
Aer: air al: grow, nourish
She did an aerial at the gymnastics competition.
Aeronaut: Aer: Naut:
Aeronaut: A traveler in a hot-air balloon, airship, or other flying craft.
The aeronaut had a safe journey to the other side of the hill.
Aer: air naut: ship
Aeronautics: Aer: Naut: Ic:
Aeronautics: The science or practice of travel through the air.
aer:air naut: ship ic: of or pertaining to
The pilot wanted to study more about Aeronautics.
Aerostat: Aer: Stat:
Aer: air stat: Stand or remain
an airship or hot-air balloon, especially one that is tethered.
The aerostat was the surprise for the half-time show.
Agrarian: Agr: Ian:
Agrarian:relating to cultivated land or the cultivation of land.
Agr: farming, land ian: relating to or belonging to
Brazil is rapidly diversifying its agrarian economy.
ambi–, amphi
both, on both sides, around
Ambidextrous: Ambi: Dexter: Ous:
- Ambidextrous:(of a person) able to use the right and left hands equally well.
Ambi: both, on both sides, around dexter: right ous: Full of
The little girl was ambidextrous in both her left and right hand.
Ambiguous: Ambi: Ous:
Ambiguous:(of language) open to more than one interpretation; having a double meaning.
Ambi: both, on both sides, around ous: full of
There was an ambiguous meaning in the book that we read in class.
Perambulate: Per: Ambul: Ate:
Perambulate: walk or travel through or around a place or area, especially for pleasure and in a leisurely way.
Per :through ambul: walk, move ate: make and cause
“she perambulated the square”
Perambulate Ambul: Ate:
Ambulate: walk; move about.
Ambul: walk, move ate: make and cause
.She is making use of the crutches to ambulate.
Amicable: Ami: Able:
Amicable(of relations between people) having a spirit of friendliness; without serious disagreement or rancor.
Ami: love able: to do
There will be an amicable settlement of the dispute.
Amity: Ami: Ity:
Amity:a friendly relationship.
ami:love ity:state, condition, or quality
The amity of the two children were bound to be unbreakable.
Pusillanimous: Amin: Sil: Ous:
Pusillanimous: showing a lack of courage or determination; timid.
amin : devoted sil: quiet or still ous: full of
The pusillanimous boy refuses to walk up the stage.