Greek Suffixes Flashcards
Lesson 4: Greek Adjective-Forming Suffixes
pertaining to, like, belonging to, having the character of (e.g. diagonal)
Lesson 4: Greek Adjective-Forming Suffixes
-an (-ian)
pertaining to, like, one connected with (e.g. protozoan)
Lesson 4: Greek Adjective-Forming Suffixes
-ous (-ious)
full of, pertaining to, like (e.g. synonymous)
Lesson 4: Greek Adjective-Forming Suffixes
-ic, -tic (-ac after i)
pertaining to, like (e.g. epidemic)
Lesson 4: Greek Adjective-Forming Suffixes
-ics, -tics
“art, science, or study of” (e.g. genetics)
Lesson 4: Greek Adjective-Forming Suffixes
-oid, -ode
like, having the shape of (e.g. spheroid)
Lesson 5: Greek Compound Suffixes I
-emia (-hemia)
condition of the blood, congestion of the blood (e.g. leukemia)
Lesson 5: Greek Compound Suffixes I
science of, systematic study of (e.g. psychology)
Lesson 5: Greek Compound Suffixes I
dissolution of or by (surgical division or separation) (e.g. electrolysis)
Lesson 5: Greek Compound Suffixes I
madness for or about (e.g. egomania
Lesson 5: Greek Compound Suffixes I
disease of, treatment of disease of or by (e.g. neropathy)
Lesson 5: Greek Compound Suffixes I
abnormal fear of (e.g. agoraphobia)
Lesson 5: Greek Compound Suffixes I
treatment of or by (e.g. chemotherapy)
Lesson 5: Greek Compound Suffixes I
surgical operation on, surgical cutting of (e.g. glossotomy)
Lesson 5: Greek Compound Suffixes I
surgical removal of (e.g. appendectomy)
Lesson 5: Greek Compound Suffixes I
condition of the urine (e.g. hematuria)
Lesson 6: Greek Compound Suffixes II
-genous, -genic
producing, produced (e.g. photogenic)
Lesson 6: Greek Compound Suffixes II
solid figure having a (specified) number of faces (e.g. icosohedron)
Lesson 6: Greek Compound Suffixes II
disease condition; often refers to an infection by parasites (e.g. psoriasis)
Lesson 6: Greek Compound Suffixes II
instrument for measuring, measure (e.g. thermometer)
Lesson 6: Greek Compound Suffixes II
art or science of measuring (optometry)
Lesson 6: Greek Compound Suffixes II
science of, systems of law governing (e.g. astronomy)
Lesson 6: Greek Compound Suffixes II
having a house or dwelling (e.g. monoecious)
Lesson 6: Greek Compound Suffixes II
-philous, -philic
loving, thriving in, pollinated by the agency of (e.g. necrophilic, anemophilous)
Lesson 6: Greek Compound Suffixes II
formation, plastic surgical operation (e.g. anaplasty)
Lesson 6: Greek Compound Suffixes II
abnormal flow or discharge of (e.g. diarrhea)
Lesson 6: Greek Compound Suffixes II
the making of a surgical opening (e.g. gastrostomy)
Lesson 7: Greek Noun-Forming Suffixes I
means of, place for (e.g. ureter)
Lesson 7: Greek Noun-Forming Suffixes I
-ist, -ast
one who (e.g. antagonist)
Lesson 7: Greek Noun-Forming Suffixes I
-te, -t
one who, that which (-tes) (e.g. athlete)
Lesson 7: Greek Noun-Forming Suffixes I
specialist in, practitioner of (e.g. dietician)
Lesson 8: Greek Noun-Forming Suffixes II
-ia, -y
state of, condition of, quality of (e.g. hysteria, philosophy)
Lesson 8: Greek Noun-Forming Suffixes II
-ism, -ismus
condition of (belief in) (e.g. alcoholism)
Lesson 8: Greek Noun-Forming Suffixes II
-sis, -sia, -sy, -se
act of, process of
(sometimes ‘result of the act of’)
(e.g. synthesis, amnesia, ecstasy, dose)
[NOTE: the adjectival form of this suffix is: -tic, -stic = pertaining to the act or process of)
Lesson 8: Greek Noun-Forming Suffixes II
-ma, -m, -me
result of the act of (e.g. stigma)
Lesson 9: Greek Noun-Forming Suffixes III
usually ‘tumour arising in or composed of’
occasionally ‘swelling containing’
rarely ‘diseased condition’ ‘result of’
(related to -ma in Lesson 8) (e.g. carcinoma)
Lesson 9: Greek Noun-Forming Suffixes III
diseased condition of, act of, process of (related to -sis in Lesson 8) (e.g. osmosis)
Lesson 9: Greek Noun-Forming Suffixes III
inflammation of, inflammatory disease of (e.g. appendicitis)
Lesson 9: Greek Noun-Forming Suffixes III
-in, ine-
chemical substance (e.g. insulin)
Lesson 9: Greek Noun-Forming Suffixes III
part, lining or enveloping tissue, region (e.g. epigastrium)
Lesson 10: Greek Noun-Forming Suffixes IV
individual, person (e.g. hydrocephalus)
Lesson 10: Greek Noun-Forming Suffixes IV
-idae, -ida, -id
descended from, related to (e.g. arachnid)
Lesson 11: Greek Diminutive Suffixes
-ium, ion
little (often difficult to distinguish from -ium presented in lesoon 9) (e.g. bacterium)
Lesson 11: Greek Diminutive Suffixes
-idium, idion-
little (e.g. conidium)
Lesson 11: Greek Diminutive Suffixes
-arium, -arion
little (e.g. conarium)
Lesson 11: Greek Diminutive Suffixes
-isk, -iscus
little (e.g. meniscus)
Lesson 12: Greek Verb-Forming Suffixes
to make, to treat, to do something with (e.g. carbonize)
Lesson 12: Greek Verb-Forming Suffixes
to make, to treat, to do something with (e.g. carbonate)