Greek sounds Flashcards
Α α
a (French open A sound)
Β β
consonant V
Γ γ
Cross between a French R and a Y/G sound
Δ δ
English TH in THis
Ε ε
Open E sound (è)
Ζ ζ
Consonant Z
Η η
French é sound/English i sound (pig)
Θ θ
English TH in THink
Ι ι
French letter i (English ee)
Κ κ
A hard K sound
Λ λ
Consonant L
Μ μ
Consonant M
Ν ν
Consonant N
Ξ ξ
Consonants K + S
Ο ο
Open O in French
Π π
Consonant P
Ρ ρ
Italian rolled R
Σ σ/ς
Consonant S (but front of mouth like in Spanish)
Τ τ
Consonant T
Υ υ
Mix between English i (pig) and ee
Φ φ
Consonant F
Χ χ
Consonant H (but with back of tongue on palate - like Russian/Portuguese)
Ψ ψ
Consonants P + S
Ω ω
Closed French O (but slightly less closed)
K k before [i] [è]
ky (inquiet)
Ει / ει
Οι / οι
Υι / υι
Αι / αι
Open e sound (è)
Αη / αη
Diphthong aï
Οη / οη
Diphthong oï
Ου / ου
French ou sound
Αυ / αυ
[av] devant consonnes sonores et voyelles
[af] devant consonnes sourdes
Ευ / ευ
[ev] devant consonnes sonores et voyelles
[ef] devant consonnes sourdes
Μπ / μπ
Consonant B
Ντ / ντ
Consonant D
Γκ / γκ
Consonant G (start or middle of a word)
Γγ / γγ
Consonant G (middle of a word)
Τζ / τζ
Consonants D + Z sound
Τσ / τσ
Consonants T + S sound
Σ / σ + consonne sonore, μπ, ντ
Consonant Z