Greek myths Flashcards
Apollo and Daphne
Apollo (sun god) loves daphne (sworn virgin nymph). Peneus (d dad) turns her into laurel tree
Semele and Zeus
They have an affair and Hera (old lady form) gives doubt whether it’s actually Zeus. Semele has guranteed wish, wishes to see Zeus true form. Zeus can’t deny so shows form and burns her into ashes w/ lightning bolts and storm clouds. Zeus saves baby Dionysus
Prometheus creates man, gets punished for being kind to humans, pact w/ athena, gives fire, meat baskets trick, steals fire from mount olympus, captured by zeus and chained to rock w/ eagle
Persephone and Demeter
Persephone kidnapped by hades into underworld, demeter looks for her for so long, massive WINTER, zeus not happy no human sacrifices, so tells d to stop looking and will get hermes to get persephone. P refuses to eat down there but she ate pomegranate seeds–>she has to stay bc she ate food there. Demeter heartbroken, Zeus makes deal to stay sometimes with persephone. Seasons creation
Cupid and Psyche
Aphrodite don’t like psyche (pretty mortal), son cupid falls in love with her, sent to lonely mountain marry ugly monster. Cupid gets her out by Zephyr’s big wind into pretty palace in valley. Psyche loves cupid even though she can’t see him–>one day sees handsome man in bedroom and faints and Cupid runs away. Psyche asks Aphrodite for help–>given impossible tasks. ex get a box from persephone in underworld. Eros missed her a lot and brought her to m. Olympus. They got marries and p got ambrosia (immortal)
Theseus slays the minotaur
Daedalus and the flight of Icarus
Hollow wooden bull costume, minotaur born, Daedalus builds labryinth, Theseus kills minotaur, Daedalus+son imprisoned in labyrinth, Daedalus builds wax wings for icarus, melts bc he flew too high. he falls into sea and drowns
Echo and Narcissus
King midas and the golden touch
Pyramus and Thisbe
Romeo and Juliet, lion, veil, mulberry tree, suicide
Athena and Arachne
Io and Zeus
affair, to hide turns into cow, had to give away, rescue from 100 eye giant, use instrument, comes back to human
The fall of phaeton
Helios grant phaeton any wish (dad to son). Phaeton ride sun chariot. leaves w/o sun rays and ointment and awareness to stay on magical path. is inexperients with reins and gets the sun too close to earth (Earth bad). Phaeton lets go, horses run away, Zeus mad so w/ lightning kills him, falls in river, parents sad
Death of Achilles
guy only weakness his hill (mother dip into some cool immortalifying water besides heel, paris shoots him in his heel and he dies in trojan war.
Hera mad w/ hercules mother (zeus affair). Hercules is cursed to go mad and kills his family. To get honor back he had to do a bunch of tasks. lion, hydra, hind of ceryneia, boar, cleaning stables (flood), birds, bull, barbaric king w/human eating horses, golden apple, underworld to fight ceberus, bc he finished all he got to become a god
Medea and Jason
Medea helps Jason get the Golden Fleece but he marries another woman so she gets mad and kills his new wife and the wife’s father with a poisoned cloak that sets them both on fire. She then kills the two kids she had with Jason. Bronze foot bulls, sow field w/ dragon teeth, cuts up sheep,
Hermes was born and killed a turtle–>used shell to make lyre (instrument with strings). stole apollo’s cattle, zeus mad, trade cattle for lyre. He is messenger of the gods, have winged sandals and a staff
Orpheus and Eurydice
Natalie: eurydice bit by snake and dies, goes to underworld. Orpheus sad tries to save her–plays music. They try to get out, but one in front of the other and can’t look back (trust). orpheus breaks this and looks back at the top, so it was all wasted
fed kid to the gods in feast, sentenced to forever in a nice pond with nice fruit on top but he can’t get either.