Greek Mythology Flashcards
Zeus/ Jupiter
King of the gods Defeated his father Cronus Lived on Mount Olympus Throws thunderbolts when angry Special messenger- eagle Symbol- thunderbolt and eagle
Cronus/ Saturn
Ruling titan
Swallowed child so not overthrown
Symbol: sickle
Married to Rhea
Hera/ Juno
Sister and wife to Zeus Protector of marriage and women Queen of the gods Name means "splendor of heaven" Helps during child birth Jealous of women with Zeus Symbol: peacock
Poseidon/ Neptune
Ruler of the sea Brother is Zeus Carries a trident Created horses Symbols: horses and trident
Hades/ Pluto
Brother to Zeus Ruler of the Underworld Owns all metals and jewels Kidnapped and married Persephone Drove black chariot pulled by 6 black horses Symbol: scepter and cornucopia
Aphrodite/ Venus
Goddess of beauty and love Caused Trojan War by creating Helen Husband is Vulcan Has no duties except to be beautiful Symbol: Dove and rose
Athena/ Minerva
A warrior who hated war Goddess of wisdom and war Gave Greeks the olive tree Encouraged learning Symbol: owl
Hermes/ Mercury
Messenger of the gods
Wears winged sandals
Put his caduceus between two snakes
Pan/ Faunus
Part man part goat
God of shepherds, woods, fields, and mountains
Has goat legs, goat horns, and a long, shaggy beard
Symbol: double flute or pan pipe
Heracles/ Hercules
Son of Zeus and a mortal woman Had to perform 12 labors Hera tried to kill him with snakes (cut one head off, two grew back) Became a god when he dies Symbol: Club and lion skins
Sprang from the blood of Medusa
Bearer of Zeus’ lightning bolts
Bellerophon tries to get to heaven with her
Artemis/ Diana
Apollo’s twin sister
Goddess of hunting and the moon
Friend to nymphs and dryads
Symbol: deer and wild animals
Dianysus/ Bacchus
God of wine and theater
Female worshippers called Maenads
Also known as god of laws, peace, and civilization
One of the Gorgons who turns things to stone
Head cut off by Perseus
Turned into monster by Athena
Symbol: snakes for hair
Hephaestus/ Vulcan
Makes weapons and jewelry for gods
Ugly but married to Aphrodite
God of departures and returns
First month of the year named after her
Symbol: two faces
Apollo/ Phoebus
Sun god
Encourages moderate behavior
Loves music (plays lyre)
A favorite among Greeks
Ares/ Mars
God of war
Killed for pleasure
Caught with Aphrodite by her husband
Sits on brass throne on Mt. Olympus
Demeter/ Ceres
Goddess of earth and harvests
Mother to Persephone
Mourns when Persephone is gone with Hades during the winter months (causes winter)
Eros/ Cupid
Arrows make people fall in love
Fell in love with Psyche
Believes that love is blind