Greek Mythology Flashcards
Apollo and Daphne
Apllo falls in love with Daphne and Daphne’s father, a river god, takes pity on her and turns her into a laurel tree
steals fire
Peresphone, Demeter and Hades
Peresphone, daughter of Demeter, kidnapped by Hades, Earth suffers though winter
Cupid and Psyche
fall in love, drips candle wax on him, Psyche is sent away
Theseus slays the Minotaur
Fight the Minotaur, with the help of Ariadne, forgets to hoist the white sail
Daedaluis and the fight of Icarus
Icarus and his father, escape King Minos’s, fathers and wax wings, Icarus flies to close to the sun, plummets to his watery death
Echo and Narcissus
she falls in love with Narcissus, falls in love with himself, Narcissus dies staring at his own reflection
King Midas
wishes for golden touch. immediately regrets his destructive gift
Pyramus and Thisbe
deeply in love with each other. lion. bloody veil. mulberries. story of Romeo and Juliet
Medusa and Perseus
Athena turns Medusa into gorgon. Has snakes on her head. Turn men into stone. Medusa is killed by Perseus
Death of Achillies
Mother dipped him in the water, held him by his heel. Killed by Paris when he is shot by an arrow in the heel
Orpheus and Eurydice
Orpheus = son of Apollo
Goes to the underworld to get his dead wife. Hades said not to look back at his wife. He looked back. She was taken away.
Zeus punished him to Hades because he shared food of the gods. Punishment = not allowed to have food or water that surrounded him
A trickster. As punishment he is forced to roll a giant boulder up a hill every day forever
Athena and Arachne
Fight about who is the best at weaving - competition. Arachne does something Athena hates, so Athena turns her into a spider
Zeus’s son
Hera makes him go crazy and kill his wife and children
To make up for it he has to complete 12 labors
1. defeating the Nemean lion
2. killing the Hydra
3. Cleaning a giant stable in one day
soul, consciousness
a risk taker, daringly original
Pandora’s box
a source of trouble
harp (verb)
tedious talking
Achillies’ heel
Elysian Field
unattractive, fierce
having great power, fierce
Midas touch
ability to make money
with great effort and strength
-walk upright like the gods
-power over earth and sea
-steals fire and gives ability to think
-punished by Zeus - chained to a rock
-smarter than Zeus - they became friends
-Prometheus’ brother
-doesn’t think things through
-after thought
-gives all gifts to the animals and saved none for humans
-didn’t want humans to have as much power as gods
-As revenge for fire sends Pandora to Epimetheus
-Hermes gives her cunning, deceit, and curiosity
-given box - told not to open
-releases all terrible things - is able to close the box which saves hope
Why is Zeus associated with lightning?
so that he could be the most
Who were Zeus’ parents?
Rhea and cronws
How is Zeus similar to his father?
both wanted to be the most powerful
what did Cronus do to the children
he would eat the children
How does Rhea trick Cronus
she hides her kid in a cave
what are the moral messages of Pyramus and Thisbe
Don’t assume the worst and they had a lot of love for each other
what did the mulberries symbolize
there love
how do Pyramus and Thisbe’s parents change