Greek History - additional - Sheet1 (2) Flashcards
10 men appointed in 411
Macedonian dynasty
AAP: solonic vs. Cleisthenic archons
Klerosis ek prokriton–>elected
Proposer of 400
Focal points within citizen in-group
eleutheria, to ison, demokratia
Pnyx 1
460-400; dirt shows quorum achieved by paint
vote by bronze disks, iff necessary
Mags paid during 5th
Selection of bouleutai
Deme assemblies nominate at least number *2–>sortition at Theseion of candidates+alternates–>dokimasia
Functions of rhetor
mouthpiece, prostates, representative abroad (elite), sumboulos (facilitates discussion, learning), and critic (of departure from ideals).
How much did phoros fund?
20,000 men
What happens to abandoned houses
3 assessors–>fair market value
douloi demosioi
hyperetai=secretaries; ergatai=masons, etc; toxatai=archers
formula for closed bouleumata
edoxe te boule to demo
Reviews of laws
First Ekk of the year, section by section; during year, thesmothetai refer inconsistencies to people
Where does central sortition take place
Amphyction definition
association of neighbors to maintain and protect a common sanctuary
Who proposed oath on tyrant-slaying
Eukrates law on tyranny
AAP: When did oath of council begin
Mags after Munychia
10.1–>Sparta, terror
Liabilities of metics
metoikion=12d/year; xenikon telos; eisphora; festival but not naval liturgies; military service
Ekk. synkletoi
snap meetings
Who presides over assembly
5th, prytaneis; 4th, proedroi