Greek History Flashcards
illegitimate ruler
to rule
to rule
How did democracy form as a government?
In 594 BC an Athenian law maker named Solon laid the foundations for the Athenian democracy.
How did monarchy form as a government?
The Mycenaeans were the first to implement a monarchy in Greece.
What did tyrants usually have experience in?
Military training
To be a part of the Assembly what qualified you as a citizen?
A male 18 years of age with military training.
How was tyranny practiced in Greece?
A ruler that seized power by killing the king or oligarchs.
How was democracy practiced in Greece?
In the Assembly, all male citizens over eighteen years of age were permitted to debate laws and discuss foreign policy decisions. The Assembly passed laws. In the council of 500, citizens were chosen by lottery, and they debated laws before they reached a vote in the Assembly.
How was oligarchy practiced in Greece?
In oligarchy the power to rule rests in the hands of a small group of leaders. Usually 3-4 people. All the people share power equally. Ruled by noble families that seized power when a monarchy crumbled.
How was monarchy practiced in Greece?
In a monarchy, the power to rule rests in the hands of one person, historically either a king or a queen. When the king dies the power is passed down from him to the eldest son. If there is no eldest son power is passed down to a close relative. If the son is too young to rule a council advises him until he reached a certain age.
How are people affected in a tyranny?
The king or oligarchs can be affected because they may be killed. Also, tyrants would often lavish people with food, luxury items, money, and even forgive their debts. People could also be affected because tyrants could become cruel leaders.