Greek Gods Flashcards
Introducing new gods
Public religion
- New gods can be introduced in exceptional cases - EVOCATO
- If gods helped the Greeks they considered them beneficial and adapted it
New Gods in Athens
Bendis: Thracian Goddess similar to Artemis
- Introduced during Peloponnesian war
- New alliance between Athens and Tracians
Public cult of Bendis
Priest was democratically elected from all the Athenian men
Night festival
Plague of Athens and its religious consequences
-People tried to give offerings, prayed, etc. but it was useless and they were overcome by evil
New god for public heath
Asklepios - god of medicine
Religion and Magic
Concept separate is not original, it emerged in the 5th C
Magic in Classical Greece
Magic defined by opposition between it and:
- Proper religious practice
- Rational scientific inquiry
- Morality and legality
-Inherently secret
Magos: a Persian fire-priest
Goes: sorcerer, tied to the underworld
Epodos: someone who casts spells
Pharmakeus: someone who makes potions, drugs, poisons
Magic before Religion
Most ancient form of religion
Magic and Religion Definitions
Magic: supernatural forces change things
Religion: doesn’t try to be supernatural, but accepts it
Science: natural forces and uses them to change things - rational
Magic and Greek Society
- Magicians usually represented as outsiders, wanderers
- Magos - magicians not part of the community
Magic was exotic
- Persia was considered the home of magic art
- Magic is said to anger the gods
- Magician was accepted because it met the psychological needs of individuals
- City opposed practices that were dangerous
Physicians vs. Magicians
-Those practicing are guilty of impiety (they shouldn’t have that power, leave it to the gods)
Magic and official religion
- Prayers and other practices were like public cults
- Deities invoked were frequently connected tot he underworld
Early Greece and Magic
- Magic seems to have led to the reclassification of activities that had be practiced
- Distinction between religion and magic is result of a long process
-Society accepted the idea of the relationship between men and the supernatural powers
(prayers and sacrifices could convince the gods)
How to recognize a magician - popular culture
- Irregular search for contact with the gods
- Ability to obtain what he wants from the gods
- Possession of concealed objects
- Use of objects that were thought to have powers
Magic and Mysteries
Magic was a gift from the gods (initiation is needed to get it)
- Much in common with mystery cults:
- Both secret
- Looked for direct contact with the gods
- Initiations
-Difference is the purpose of magic - mysteries didn’t need a magician
- Magic - experience of the individual
- Mystery cult - experience as a community