Greece Flashcards
city in Egypt named after Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great
created a vast empire of Europe, Africa and Asia; great military leader; King of Macedonia
“Father of Medicine” looked to find natural causes for disease
Hellenistic inventor and scientist, created the pulley and levers
scientist and mathematician - invented plane geometry
Hellenistic Age
after Alex the Great died - their was a mix of Asian and Greek cultures - many scientific and mathematical ideas were created.
outdoor marketplace
valuables taken in war time
Mt. Olympus
where the gods and goddesses live - in northern Greece
a city state in Greece - best model of democracy - capital city of Greece
a city state in Greece - military life style
oral tradition
passed own by word of mouth
Trojan War
War between the Greeks and the people of Troy - because Helen of Troy was kidnapped - gods and goddesses helped both sides- Trojan Horse brought victory to the Greeks
Olympic Games
athletic games to honor Zeus - revived in 1890
where Alexander the Great was born - north of Greece
ancient Greek philosopher- who taught people to question authority - his method of teaching was called the Socratic Method
ancient Greek philosopher and student of Plato who wrote more than 170 books - started the idea of college
the longest race in the Olympic Games - foot race about 26 miles - based on the story that a warrior ran to Athens to tell them they were victorious
someone who studies truth and knowledge
an epidemic of an often fatal disease
a hired soldier
Peloponnesian War
war between Athens and Sparta - Sparta won
Delian League
an alliance between Athens and the other city states - this caused the Peloponnesian War
Battle of Salamis
Athens and Sparta worked together to defeat the Persians