Great Reform Act Flashcards
What was the Spa Fields Meeting?
A meeting in 1816 that called for reform but ended in riots.
What events happened in 1817?
Pentridge Rising and The Blanketeers.
What happened in 1819?
Peterloo riots in Manchester and the government passed the Six Acts.
What was passed in 1829?
Catholic emancipation, it allowed Catholics to take their place in the Commons but also split the Tory party.
How did the Whigs get in to power?
Wellington resigned after being defeated in the Commons, causing Grey to become PM.
Why didn’t the second reform bill get passed?
It was thrown out by the Tory dominated House of Lords, causing riots in the country (days of May). They also rejected the third reform bill causing Grey and his Cabinet to resign as the King would not create more Whig peers.
What did the GRA do?
Increased the electorate to the middle class- 18% of adult males could now vote