great depression exam prep Flashcards
FDR’s relief programs did not fully benefit the poor due to the stigma behind economic relief. “poverty demoralized rather than activated the country”
there were many causes including income distribution, the bull-market economy, and overspeculation, but the effects of the depression would not have been as severe if hoover’s leadership was more successful. “plainly, in these years, leadership failed”
the Townsend plan was another source of weakness in leadership due to his political and economic naivety and asking too much of his followers. can be compared w hoover admin
FDR was popular socially but lacked political skill. “he reacted rather than reflected.”
Vargas used education as a tool to spread Brazilian nationalism based on gender roles with the goal of unifying the country
the Vargas regime was fascist despite its instability and differences from European fascism
the Vargas regime was partially established and supported by the US
“the timing of the collapse” meant there were no industries to provide new jobs
Brazil did not have the self sufficiency to handle cyclical economic problems
the US failed to provide a world economic lead
Brazil suffered due to the lack of participation in international trade, inhibiting it from becoming a world power
friedman and schwartz
the depression was caused by a federal failure to control the supply of money
the new deal helped restore confidence in banking and financial sectors
the gov’t did not intervene and spend enough money
“american banks were rotten”
“most blacks were ignored by New Deal programs”
the new deal was “a socialistic break with American tradition”