GRE Words Flashcards
Define Abound
Be present in large quantities. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Proliferate, Flourish.
Abound - Be present in large quantities. adj.
Define Amorphous
Lacking in structure; unclear. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Nebulous, Vague.
Amorphous - Lacking in structure; unclear. adj.
Define Belie
Give a false impression; disprove/contradict. verb.
to show something to be false, or to hide something such as an emotion
The facts belie this claim, so they lost the case.
Synonyms of this word are: Disguise, Negate.
Belie - Give a false impression; disprove/contradict. verb.
Define Capricious
Having varying moods; fickle. adj.
Fickle = changing frequently, regard loyalties, interests, or affection
This battle between cold and hot is why Easter weather is so capricious.
Synonyms of this word are: Mercurial, Erratic.
Capricious - Having varying moods; fickle. adj.
Define Congenial
Friendly and likable; agreeable/enjoyable. adj
Synonyms of this word are: Amiable, Pleasant, Convivial.
Congenial - Friendly and likable; agreeable/enjoyable. adj.
Define Conspicuous
Easily noticed; obvious. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Apparent, Evident.
Conspicuous - Easily noticed; obvious. adj.
Define Cursory
Lacking effort; without care; quick. adj.
A cursory glance at his notes caused him to not do well on the test.
Synonyms of this word are: Casual, Token, Perfunctory.
Cursory - Lacking effort; without care; quick. adj.
Define Daunting
Scary; seeming impossible. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Intimidating, Formidable.
Daunting - Scary; seeming impossible. adj.
Define Deify
Look up to someone or something as a God. verb.
Synonyms of this word are: Revere, Venerate, Worship.
Deify - Look up to someone or something as a Gob. verb.
Define Didactic
Meant for teaching, educational. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Instructional, Pedagogic.
Didactic - Meant for teaching, education. adj.
Define Disseminate
Distribute or circulate broadly. verb.
Synonyms of this word are: Disperse, Spread, Propagate.
Disseminate - Distribute or circulate broadly. verb.
Define Feasible
Likely to be achieved; practical. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Realizable, Viable.
Feasible - Likely to be achieved; practical. adj.
Define Flout
Break a rule without guilt. verb.
The Government needs to bring in more stringent punishments for drivers who flout the law
Synonyms of this word are: Defy, Disdain, Disregard.
Flout - Break a rule without guilt. verb.
to treat with contemptuous disregard : SCORN
Define Homogeneous
Composed of similar part; alike. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Equivalent, Uniform.
Homogeneous - Composed of similar part. alike; adj.
Define Humdrum
Boring; unlikely to excite. adj.
He wanted to escape from the humdrum of his life. So he moved to Europe.
Synonyms of this word are: Dull, Banal, Mundane.
Humdrum - Boring; unlikely to excite. adj.
Define Insipid
Without flavor; lacking energy. adj.
Airline food used to be bland and insipid.
The clown’s performace was boring and insipid.
Synonyms of this word are: Bland, Dull, Anemic
Insipid - Without flavor; lacking energy. adj.
Define Loquacious
Likely to talk a lot; wordy. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Voluble, Garrulous
Loquacious - Likely to talk a lot; wordy. adj.
Define Misanthropic
Having a distaste for humans and society. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Reclusive, Antisocial
Misanthropic - Having a distaste for humans and society. adj.
Define Misnomer
A misleading or inaccurate name. noun.
It’s a bit of a misnomer to call nachos “fine dining.”
Define Negligent
Lacking care or attention. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Remiss, Lax, Sloppy
Negligent - Lacking care or attention. adj.
Define Obsequious
Excessively submissive to authority. adj.
Obsequious people are usually not being genuine; they resort to flattery and other fawning ways to stay in the good graces of authority figures.
Synonyms of this word are: Sycophantic, Servile, Obedient
Obsequious - Excessively submissive to authority. adj.
Define Placate
Decrease someones anger. verb.
Synonyms of this word are: Sooth, Appease, Mollify
Placate - Decrease someones anger. verb.
Define Proclivity
A fondness or liking for something. noun.
A tendency to choose or do something regularly
A proclivity is a natural tendency to like something, such as your sister’s proclivity for restaurants that serve hot, spicy food.
Synonyms of this word are: Tendency, Propensity
Proclivity - A fondness or liking for something. A tendency to choose or do something regularly noun.
Define Puerile
Immature and childish. adj.
It is usual for children to act puerile, but in adults it seems ridiculous.
Synonyms of this word are: Juvenile, Infantile, Babyish
Puerile - Immature and childish. adj.
Define Quixotic
Excessively visionary; Unfeasible. adj.
He had a quixotic dream to build a spaceship in a day.
Synonyms of this word are: Idealistic, Nonviable
Quixotic - Excessively visionary; unfeasible. adj.
Define Spendthrift
Someone who spends money recklessly. noun.
Synonyms of this word are: Profligate, Squanderer
Spendthrift - Someone who spends money recklessly. noun.
Define Taciturn
Of few words; speaking little. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Quiet, Untalkative, Laconic
Taciturn - Of few words; speaking little. adj.
Define Wary
Exercising caution; careful. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Circumspect; Chary
Wary - Exercising caution; careful. adj.
Define Adulterate
Damage the quality of; Corrupt. verb
Chemical runoff regularly adulterates our water supply.
Synonyms of this word are: Degrade, Debase, Spoil
Adulterate - Damage the quality of; Corrupt. verb
Define Advocate
Support; Be in favor of. noun & verb.
Synonyms of this word are: Champion, Recommend, Back
Advocate - Support; Be in favor of. noun & verb.
Define Aggrandize
Enhance one’s power or standing. verb.
Synonyms of this word are: Augment, Magnify
Aggrandize - Enhance one’s power or standing. verb.
Augment - make (something) greater by adding to it; increase.
Magnify - increase or exaggerate the importance or effect of.
Define Alacrity
Eagerness to do something. noun.
Synonyms of this word are: Willingness, Fervor
Alacrity - Eagerness to do something. noun.
Define Ambivalent
Having conflicting emotions; unsure. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Equivocal, Wavering
Ambivalent - Having conflicting emotions; unsure. adj.
Equivocal - subject to two or more interpretations and usually used to mislead or confuse
Wavering - be undecided between two opinions or courses of action; be irresolute.
Define Ameliorate
Improve a bad feeling or bad situation. verb.
Synonyms of this word are: Mitigate, Ease, Remedy
Ameliorate - Improve a bad feeling or bad situation. verb.
Define Amenable
Receptive to change; open. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Compliant; Acquiescent
Amenable - Receptive to change; open. adj.
Acquiescent - ready to accept something without protest, or to do what someone else wants.
Compliant - obeying, obliging, or yielding, especially in a submissive way.
Define Anachronistic
Of the wrong time or era. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Out-of-date, Outmoded
Anachronistic - Of the wrong time or era. adj.
Define Audacious
Bold; unafraid of risks. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Daring, Fearless, Unfliching
Audacious - Bold; unafraid of risks. adj.
Define Avaricious
Greedy; Always wanting more. Having or showing extreme greed for wealth or material gain. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Acquisitive, Rapacious
Avaricious - Greedy; Always wanting more. Having or Showing extreme greed or wealth or material gains. adj.
Define Boorish
Rude or unrefined in manners or behaviors. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Coarse, Uncouth, Discourteous
Boorish - Rude or unrefined in manners or behaviors. adj.
Coarse - rude, crude, or vulgar.
Uncouth - lacking good manners, refinement, or grace.
Discourteous - showing rudeness and a lack of consideration for other people.
Define Brook
Tolerate or endure something. verb.
Mary would brook no critism of Mathew’s remarks.
Synonyms of this word are: Abide, Stand, Stomach
Brook - Tolerate or endure something. verb.
Define Circumspect
Cautious or wary; exhibiting care. adj.
They handle the vase with much circumspect so they don’t break it.
Synonyms of this word are: Wary, Chary, Guarded
Circumspect - Cautious or wary; exhibiting care. adj.
Define Comity
Mutual respect or a courteous harmony. noun.
It is about state comity and cooperation, and mutual respect.
Synonyms of this word are: Amicability, Civility, Goodwill
Comity - Mutual respect or a courteous harmony. noun
Amicability - characterized by friendly goodwill : peaceable.
Civility - formal politeness and courtesy in behavior or speech.
Goodwill - friendly, helpful, or cooperative feelings or attitude.
Define Commensurate
Comparable in size, extent, or degree; equal to. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Equivalent, Corresponding, Proportional to
Commensurate - Comparable in size, extent, degree; equal to. adj.
Define Cordial
Characterized by warmth and sincerity; warm and friendly. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Amiable, Affectionate, Genial
Cordial - Characterized by warmth and sincerity; warm and friendly. adj.
Define Deleterious
Having a harmful effect; dangerous. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Inimical, Adverse, Injurious
Deleterious - Having a harmful effect; dangerous. adj.
Inimical - tending to obstruct or harm; unfriendly or hostile. adj.
Define Dichotomy
A split into two contrasting parts. noun.
Synonyms of this word are: Chasm, Disjunction, Polarity
Dichotomy - A split into two contrasting parts. noun.
Define Edify
Enlighten or uplift through knowledge. verb.
Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may EDIFY another. ( Romans 14:19 )
Synonyms of this word are: Educate, Cultivate, Indoctrinate
Edify - Enlighten or uplift through knowledge. verb.
Define Elicit
Extract a reply or action; Provoke. verb.
Synonyms of this word are: Evoke, Draw out, Induce, Prompt
Elicit - Extract a reply or action; Provoke. verb.
Define Erudite
Possessing great knowledge. adj.
He is one of the most erudite scholars of Islam in modern times.
Define Fecund
Fertile or highly productive. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Learned, Scholarly, Intellectual
Erudite - Possessing great knowledge. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Fruitful, Prolific, Thriving
Fecund - Fertile or highly productive. adj.
Define Feeble
Weak; Deficient in strength. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Frail, Sickly, Enfeebled, Debilitating
Feeble - Weak; Deficient in strength. adj.
Define Felicitous
Well-suited or apt; causing delight. adj.
felicity (noun)
Synonyms of this word are: Germane, Pertinent, Favorable, Suitable
Felicitous - Well-suited or apt; causing delight. adj.
Define Forbear
Refrain from doing something. verb.
Synonyms of this word are: Eschew, Desist, Shun
Forbear - Refrain from doing something. verb.
Synonyms of this word are: Learned, Scholarly, Intellectual
Erudite - Possessing great knowledge. adj.
Define Haphazrd
Lacking precise plan, order, or direction. Lacking any obvious principle of organization. adj.
The books had been placed on the shelves in a haphazard fashion, so the librain fixed them.
Synonyms of this word are: Unsystematic, Indiscriminate, Arbitrary
Haphazard - Lacking precise plan, order, or direction. adj.
Define Hodgepodge
A mixture of different things. noun.
Synonyms of this word are: Melange, Jumble, Medley
Hodgepodge - A mixture of different things.
Define Impede
Obstruct or hinder progress. verb.
Synonyms of this word are: Curb, Hamper, Check
Impede - Obstruct or hinder progress. adj.
Define Impetuous
Rash or hasty in action or decision. adj.
His impetuous behavior at work caused him to get fired.
Synonyms of this word are: Impulsive, Reckless, Foolhardy
Impetuous - Rash or hasty in action or decision. adj.
Define Irascible
Easily angered or irritated. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Snappish, Waspish, Surly
Irascible - Easily angered or irritated. adj.
Define Mercenary
Motivated mainly by desire for monetary gain. adj or noun.
Define Meticulous
Exhibiting great care to detail. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Grasping, Avaricious, Rapacious
Mercenary - Motivate mainly by desire for monetary gain. adj or noun.
Synonyms of this word are: Scrupulous, Punctilious, Painstaking
Meticulous - Exhibiting great care to detail. adj.
Define Mordant
Biting or sharply critical in thought; Sarcastic. adj, verb, noun.
He scouffed mordantly at the cat because he does not like cats.
Synonyms of this word are: Trenchant, Caustic, Acerbic
Mordant - Biting or sharply critical in thought; Sarcastic. adj.
Trenchant - sharply perceptive : penetrating
Caustic - marked by incisive sarcasm
Acerbic - sharp and forthright.
Define Outstrip
Surpass or do better than. verb.
Synonyms of this word are: Outpace, Overshadow, Eclipse
Outstrip - Surpass or do better than. verb.
Define Precarious
Uncertain and likely to cause danger. adj.
She was nervous going up the precarious ladder because it was old.
Synonyms of this word are: Insecure, Perilous, Treacherous
Precarious - Uncertain and likely to cause danger. adj.
Define Quirky
Unusual in an endearing way. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Eccentric, Unorthodox, Idiosyncratic
Quirky - Unusual in an endearing way. adj
Define Repudiate
Reject or refute to accept something. verb.
She has repudiated the idea of having to wearing a a long skirt in public.
Synonyms of this word are: Forswear, Rebut, Disvow
Repudiate - Reject or refute to accept something. verb.
Forswear - agree to give up or do without (something).
Rebut -
claim or prove that (evidence or an accusation) is false.
Disvow - to deny responsibility for : REPUDIATE
Define Tact
Skill in handling situations politely. noun.
a keen sense of what to do or say in order to maintain good relations with others or avoid offensea keen sense of what to do or say in order to maintain good relations with others or avoid offense
Synonyms of this word are: Delicacy, Diplomacy, Discretion
Tact - Skill in handling situations politely. noun.
Delicacy - tact and consideration.
Diplomacy - the art of dealing with people in a sensitive and effective way.
Discretion - the quality of behaving or speaking in such a way as to avoid causing offense or revealing private information.
Define Trifling
Lacking significance or importance adj.
It was something trifling; in fact, I didn’t even remember what triggered it. It was in significant.
Synonyms of this word are: Trivial, Frivolous, Incidental
Trifling - Lacking significane or importance. adj.
Frivolous - not having any serious purpose or value.
Define Turbulent
Full of conflit or chaos. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Tempestuous, Tumultuous, Anarchi
Turbulent - Ful of conflict or chaos. adk
Define Acumen
Quickness and keenness in understanding. noun
the ability to make good judgments and quick decisions, typically in a particular domain.
She possessed a sharp business acumen and an ability to crunch numbers.
Synonyms of this word are: Shrewdness, Acuity, Sharpness
Acumen - Quickness and keenness in understanding. noun
Shrewdness - the quality of having or showing good powers of judgement.
Acuity - sharpness or keenness of thought, vision, or hearing.
Sharpness - the quality or state of being sharp.
Define Antithesis
The direct opposite or contrast. noun
Synonyms of this word are: Converse, Reverse, Inverse
Antithesis - The direct opposite or contract. noun.
Define Ascribe
Attribute something to a particular cause. (giving credit) verb.
Synonyms of this word are: Assign, Accredit, Imput
Ascribe - Attribute something to a particular cause. (giving credit) verb.
Define Befuddled
Confused, bewildered, or perplexed. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Baffled, Stumped, Nonplussed
Befuddled - Confused, bewildered, or perplexed. adj.
Define Eschew
Intentionally avoid or abstain from. verb.
He appealed to the crowd to eschew violence.
He eschewed chewing gum in class.
Synonyms of this word are: Forgo, Abjure, Renounce
Eschew - Intentionally avoid or abstain from. verb.
Define Esoteric
Understood by few or a small group of people. adj.
Only amine watchers attended the esoteric seminar.
Synonyms of this word are: Recondite, Arcane, Abstruse
Esoteric - Requiring or exhibiting knowledge that is restricted to a small group; limited to a small circle. adj.
abstrue - difficult to understand
recondite - little known; abstruse
arcane - understood by few; mysterious or secret
Define Evasive
Indirect; Avoiding confrontation. adj.
She was evasive about talking to her supervisor about leaving.
Synonyms of this word are: Prevaricating, Equivocal, Vague
Evasive - Indirect; avoding confrontation. adj.
Prevaricating - be deliberately ambiguous or unclear in order to mislead or withhold information
Equivocal - having two or more possible meanings : ambiguous.
Define Exculpate
Clear from blame or guilt. Show or declare that (someone) is not guilty of wrongdoing. verb.
The court exculpated him after a thorough investigation.
Synonyms of this word are: Acquit, Absolve, Exonerate
Exculpate - Clear from blame or guilt. verb.
Acquit - to set free as from an obligation, burden, or accusation.
Absolve - set or declare (someone) free from blame, guilt, or responsibility.
Exonerate -
(especially of an official body) absolve (someone) from blame for a fault or wrongdoing, especially after due consideration of the case.
Define Expedite
Accelerate or speed up a process or action. verb.
Synonyms of this word are: Hasten, Quicken, Facilitate
Expedite - Accelerate or speed up a process or action. verb.
Hasten - Be quick to do something
Define Fastidious
Showing great attention to detail; Hard to please. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Scrupulous, Punctilious, Painstaking
Fastidious - Showing great attention to detail; Hard to please. adj.
Scrupulous - (of a person or process) diligent, thorough, and extremely attentive to details.
Punctilious - showing great attention to detail or correct behavior.
Painstaking - done with or employing great care and thoroughness.
Define Feign
Pretend or simulate; Mislead. verb.
Synonyms of this word are: Affect, Posture, Masquerade
Feign - Pretend or simulate; Mislead. verb.
Posture - behave in a way that is intended to impress or mislead.
Define Furtive
Sneaky or secretive; Especially due to guilt. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Surreptitious, Covert, Clandestine
Furtive - Sneak or secretive; Especially due to guilt. adj.
Surreptitious - kept secret, especially because it would not be approved of.
Covert - not openly acknowledged or displayed.
Clandestine - kept secret or done secretively, especially because illicit.
Define Hamper
Obstruct or hinder progress. verb.
Synonyms of this word are: Inhibit, Curb, Foil
Hamper - Obstruct or hinder progress. verb.
Define Indispensable
Completely necessary; Essential. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Crucial, Requisite, Imparative
Indispensable - Completely necessary; Essential. adj.
Define Lament
Express deep sorrow or regret. verb.
he was lamenting the death of his infant daughter.
Synonyms of this word are: Mourn, Wail, Weep
Lament - Express deep sorrow or regret. verb.
Define Myopic
Short-sighted; Lacking creativity. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Narrow-minded, Insular, Parochial
Myopic - Short-sighted; Lacking creativity. adj.
Insular - ignorant of or uninterested in cultures, ideas, or peoples outside one’s own experience.
Parochial - having a limited or narrow outlook or scope
Define Nonchalant
Appearing casually, calm, or indifferent. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Collected, Blasé, Insouciant
Nonchalant - Appearing casually, calm, or indifferent. adj.
Define Partial
Prejudiced or biased toward one side. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Partisan, Skewed, Disciminatory
Partial - Prejudiced or biased toward one side. adj.
Define Pensive
Deep in thought. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Reflective, Introspective, Ruminative
Pensive - Deep in thought. adj.
Define Portend
Warn that something, often unpleasant, is going to happen. verb.
If you’re superstitious, a black cat portends trouble.
Synonyms of this word are: Presage, Augur, Foreshadow
Portend - Warn that something, often unpleasant, is going to happen. verb.
Define Provincial
Narrow in perspective; Not sophisticated. adj.
“he is very narrow-minded and provincial”
Synonyms of this word are: Insular, Parochial, Myopic
Provincial - Narrow in perspective; Not sophisticated. adj.
Define Rudimentary
Basic or elementary; in the earliest stages of development. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Primitive, Crude, Embryonic
Rudimentary - Basic or elementary; in the earliest stages of development. adj.
Define Salutary
Beneficial, Especially in promoting health. adj.
The tea has a salutary affect on your stomach.
Synonyms of this word are: Productive, Valuable, Salubrious
Salutary - Beneficial, Especially in promoting health. adj.
Productive - achieving or producing a significant amount or result.
Valuable - extremely useful or important.
Salubrious - health-giving; healthy.
Define Sever
Cut off or put an end to. verb.
Synonyms of this word are: Cleave, Suspend, Rupture
Sever - Cut off or put an end to. verb.
Define slight
Treat with disrespect or neglect; Insult. verb or noun.
Synonyms of this word are: Snub, Disregard, Rebuff
Slight - Treat with disrespect or neglect; Insult. verb or noun.
Define Somnolent
Sleepy or drowsy; Needing rest. adj.
The somnolent child had a hard tiem staying awake.
Synonyms of this word are: Soporific, Enervated, Languorous
Somnolent - Sleepy or drowsy; Needing rest. adj.
Soporific - tending to induce drowsiness or sleep.
Enervated - drained of energy or vitality.
Languorous - characterized by tiredness or inactivity, especially of a pleasurable kind.
Define Stoic
Unaffected by pain; Showing no emotion. noun or verb.
Synonyms of this word are: Phlegmatic, Resigned, Impassive
Stoic - Unaffected by pain; showing no emotion. noun or verb.
Define Supersede
Replace or take the place of. verb.
Synonyms of this word are: Displace, Supplant, Succeed
Supersede - Replace or take the place of. verb.
Define Tout
Promote or praise energetically. verb.
Attempt to sell (something), typically by pestering people in an aggressive or bold manner.
Synonyms of this word are: Commend, Endorse, Urge
Tout - Promote or praise energetically. verb,
Define Wane.
Decrease in power, size, or intensity. verb.
Synonyms of this word are: Dwindle, Subside, Ebb
Wane - Decrease in power, size, or intensity. verb.
Define Abhor
Detest or regard with deep hatred. verb.
Synonyms of this word are: Loathe, Despise, Abominate
Abhor - Detest or regard with deep hatred. verb.
Define Boisterous
Energetic, Noisy, and Lively. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Animated, Exuberant, Ebullient
Boisterous - Energetic, Noisy, and Lively. adj.
Define Chivalrous
Honorable or polite towards women. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Gallant, Courteous, Gentle
Chivalrous - Honorable or polite toward women. adj.
Define Churlish
Rude or lacking good manners. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Boorish, Ungracious, Loutish
Churlish - Rude or lacking good manners. adj.
Define Clandestine
Secretive; Avoiding attention. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Covert, Furtive, Stealthy.
Clandestine - Secretive; Avoiding attention. adj.
Define Complacent
Smug or self-satisfied. adj.
showing smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one’s achievements.
Synonyms of this word are: Proud, Self-congratulatory, Gloating
Complacent - Smug or self-satisfied. adj.
Define Cumbersome
Large, heavy, slow, or complicated. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Unwieldy, Ungainly, Hefty
Cumbersome - Large, heavy, slow, or complicated. adj.
Define Debilitating
Weakening or impairing strength. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Enervating, Enfeebling, Devitalizing
Debilitating - Weakening or impairing strength. adj.
Define Deliberate
Think over or discuss carefully. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Ponder, Contemplate, Brood over
Deliberate - Think over or discuss carefully. verb.
Define Droll
Amusing in quirky or unusual way. adj.
“he was a droll little man in a tall purple hat.
Synonyms of this word are: Mirthful, Hilarious, Humorous
Droll - Amusing in a quirky or unusual way. adj.
Define Eccentric
Deviating from normal behavior. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Abnormal, Aberrant, Anomalous
Eccentric - Deviating from normal behavior. adj.
Define Fractious
Quarrelsome and irritable; Unruly. adj.
“they fight and squabble like fractious children”
Define Limpid
Transparent or easy to understand. adj.
Her tone of voice was limpid and easy to hear.
Synonyms of this word are: Grouchy, Irascible, Intractable
Fractious - Quarrelsome and irritable; Unruly. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Lucid, Coherent, Comprehensible
Limpid - Transparent or easy to understand. adj.
Define Mawkish
Showing emotion overly sentimental. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Cloying, Saccharine, Sickly.
Mawkish - Showing emotion overly sentimental. adj.
Define Obeisance
Reverence or respect for an individual. noun.
Synonyms of this word are: Homage, Adoration, Veneration.
Obeisance - Reverence or respect for an individual. noun.
Homage - special honor or respect shown publicly.
Adoration - deep love and respect.
Veneration - great respect; reverence.
Define Ostentatious
Showy or designed to impress. adj.
Characterized by vulgar or pretentious display; designed to impress or attract notice.
Synonyms of this word are: Pretentious, Flamboyant, Affected
Ostentatious - Showy or designed to impress. adj.
Define Panacea
A perfect cure for something. noun.
Synonyms of this word are: Cure-all, Elixir, Nostrum
Panacea - A perfect cure for something. noun.
Define Perfunctory
Done without enthusiasm. adj.
He walked in a perfunctory way to his least favorite class.
Synonyms of this word are: Cursory, Desultory, Superficial
Perfunctory - Done without enthusiasm. adj.
Cursory - hasty (acting with with excessive speed or insufficient consideration.) and therefore not thorough or detailed.
Desultory - lacking a plan, purpose, or enthusiasm.
Superficial - not thorough, deep, or complete; cursory.
Define Perilous
Risky and hazardous. adj.
They had a perilous journey going up the mtn in the dark.
Synonyms of this word are: Treacherous, Precarious, Insecure
Perilous - Risky and hazardous. adj.
Define Pervasive
Spreading quickly in great numbers. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Prevalent, Rife, Ubiquitous
Pervasive - Spreading quickly in great numbers. adj.
Ubiquitous - existing or being everywhere at the same time : constantly encountered : widespread
Define Preclude
Prevent something from occurring. verb.
A rider must be visible at all times in order to preclude collisions from happening.
Synonyms of this word are: Block, Impede, Hinder
Preclude - Prevent something from occurring. verb.
Define Predilection
Preference or bias towards something. noun.
Synonyms of this word are: Fondness, Partiality, Penchant
Predilection - Preference or bias towards something. noun.
Penchant - a strong or habitual liking for something or tendency to do something.
Define Rapacious
Excessively greedy, or grasping. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Grasping, Avaricious, Acquisitive
Rapacious - Excessively greedy or grasping. adj.
Define Relish
Take great pleasure or delight in. noun or verb.
Synonyms of this word are: Adore, Savor, Rejoice in.
Relish - Take great pleasure or delight in. noun or verb.
Define Satirical
Using humor or irony to criticize. adj/
(Sarcastic, critical, and mocking another’s weaknesses.)
Synonyms of this word are: Sarcastic, Sardonic, Scornful
Satirical - Using humor or irony to criticize. adj.
Define Sham
False, fake, or not genuine. noun, verb, adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Bogus, Spurious, Fraudulent
Sham - False, Fake, or not genuine. noun, verb, adj.
Define Skirt
Go around or avoid something. verb.
Synonyms of this word are: Evade, Sidestep, Circumvent
Skirt - Go around or avoid something.
Define Sluggish
Lacking energy; Slow and listless. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Inert, Torpid, Lethargic
Sluggish - Lacking energy; slow and listless. adj.
Define Spartan
Marked by simplicity or frugality. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Austere, Stringent, Ascetic
Spartan - Marked by simplicity or frugality. adj.
Austere - having an extremely plain and simple style or appearance; unadorned.
Stringent - strict, precise, and exacting.
Ascetic - characterized by or suggesting the practice of severe self-discipline and abstention from all forms of indulgence, typically for religious reasons.
Define Truculent
Aggressively combative. adj.
His truculent behavior got him kicked out of the bar.
Define Acrimonious
Bitter and sharp in language. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Caustic, Scathing, Astringent
Acrimonious - Bitter and sharp (intended or intending to criticize or hurt.) in language. adj.
Caustic - sarcastic in a scathing and bitter way.
Define Belligerent
Argumentative, hostile, or threatening. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Pugnacious, Bellicose, Truculent
Belligerent - Argumentative, hostile, or threatening. adj.
Bellicose - demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight.
Pugnacious - eager or quick to argue, quarrel, or fight.
Define Beneficent
Charitable, producing good results. adj.
generous or doing good.
Synonyms of this word are: Altruistic, Humanitarian, Benevolent
Beneficent - Charitable, producing good results. adj.
Define Canny
Shrewd (having good judgement) and cautious; clever. adj.
Having or showing shrewdness and good judgment, especially in money or business matters.
Synonyms of this word are: Astute, Discerning, Acute
Canny - Shrewd (having or showing sharp powers of judgment; astute.) and cautious; clever. adj.
Astute - having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people and turn this to one’s advantage.
Discerning - having or showing good judgment.
Acute -
having or showing a perceptive understanding or insight; shrewd.
Define Cavalier
Exhibiting a casual attitude; Unconcerned. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Offhand, Insouciant, Dismissive
Cavalier - Exhibiting a casual attitude; Unconcerned. adj.
Define Distressed
Experiencing irritation or sadness. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Tormented, Perturbed, Afflicted
Distressed - Experiencing irritation or sadness. adj.
suffering from anxiety, sorrow, or pain.
Define Dwindling
Decreasing steadily in size or quantity. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Diminishing, Shrinking, Contracting
Dwindling - Decreasing steadily in size or quantity. adj.
Define Eclipse
Overshadow or surpass. noun or verb.
Synonyms of this word are: Outshine, outstrip, upstage
Eclipse - Overshadow or surpass. noun or verb.
Define Encyclopedic
Thorough; Comprehensive. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Exhaustive, Wide-ranging, All-inclusive
Encyclopedic - Thorough; Comprehensive. adj.
Define Exacerbate
Make a situation or condition worse. verb.
Synonyms of this word are: Inflame, Compound, Aggravate
Exacerbate - Make a situation or condition worse. verb.
Define Exasperated
Severely irritated or angry. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Infuriated, Enraged, Vexed
Exasperated - Severely irritated or angry. adj.
Define Fungible
Interchangeable for another item. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Exchangeable, Equivalent, Indistinguishable
Fungible - Interchangeable for another item. adj.
Define Hackneyed
Lacking creativity; lacking significance through having been overused. adj.
Synonyms of this word are: Trite, Banal, Pedestrain
Hackneyed - Lacking creativity; lacking significance through having been overused. adj.
Trite - overused and consequently of little import; lacking originality or freshness
Banal - so lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring.
Pedestrain - lacking inspiration or excitement; dull.
Define Incongruous
Out of place or lacking harmony. adj.