Grays Review Notes Flashcards
Crista terminalis corresponds to what embryologically?
Sinus venosus (also makes vena cava & sinus venarum)
Sinus venarum
The smooth part of the right atrium that the two vena cava open up to
Describe formation of the blastocyst
Blastomere -> morula -> blastocyst, which implants at the end of the first week
Dizygotic twins are necessarily ___ chorionic, __amniotic
di-, di-
Most monozygotic twins are ..
monochorionic, diamniotic.
However, 30% are di-,di-.
Somatopleuric mesoderm is associated with ___derm and is the dorsal layer of the lateral pate mesoderm. It forms the ___ and ___.
Associated with ectoderm.
Forms bodywall and dermis.
Splanchopleuric mesoderm is associated with ___derm and is the ventral layer of the lateral plate mesoderm. Forms the __ and __.
Assocaited with endoderm
Forms the viscera and heart.
Oropharyngeal membrane forms
A septum between the primitive mouth and pharynx
What ligament would be affected in “spinal canal stenosis”?
Ligamentum flavum forms the posterior wall of the vertebral canal.
Highest point of the iliac crest
L4/L5; used in lumbar punctures
Inferior angle of scapula
Lowest ribs
Where is the PSIS?
Vasoconstriciton is sympathetic or parasympathetic?
Which ligament protects the spinal cord in herniation?
Posterior longitudinal ligament, because it spans the posterior side of the vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs
Where does the cruciform ligament of atlas attach?
It attaches to pedicles.
The T4 thoracic vertebra articulates with the head of which ribs?
Articulates with the 4th rib in its superior facet
Articulates with the 5th rib in its inferior facet.
If you crush the spinal cord at C6, what muscles are paralyzed?
All spinal nerves form C6 and below are paralyzed.
Ex) Deltoid will be paralyzed because it’s innervated by the axillary nerve from C5 & C6
Spinal nerves come out of the ___ so they get crushed in a ____.
intervertebral formen
Thus, they get crushed in hernias.
The dens articulates with the ____ of the atlas.
Anterior arch
What is the most superior intervertebral disc?
Between C2 & C3
Third occipital nerve : the medial branch of the dorsal ramus of C3. It supplies what?
Skin of the nuchal region
Suboccipital nerve lies within the suboccipital triangle and innervates those muscles.
Rectus capitis minor and major, and obliquus capitis.
Can see vertebral arch through it.
With herniations,
It’s always the second vertebra!
The aorticopulmonary septum divides the ___ and __ into the __ and ___
Divides the truncus arteriosus & bulbus cordis into the aorta & pulmonary trunk
A man has increased brachial arterial pressure, decreased femoral artery pressure, and delayed femoral pulses. Which aortic arch failed to develop normally?
The fourth, because that’s what develops into aortic arch and the right brachiocephalic & subclavian arteries.