Graveyards Flashcards
Highlights fear
1) Description
2) isolation of graveyard
3) What does Hill do
1) “fifty odd gravestones completely fallen”- meaning 1- links to children she killed?
meaning 2- overgrown, neglected, eerie
2) “peculiar isolated place…lonely spot”- isolation draws parallels to other supernatural novel, dracula in his isolated castle, reader aware of impending danger
3) WIB only leaves graveyards to commit murder or hauntings, Hill uses graveyard as base for WIB
1) Weather in graveyard
2) Context
3) similarity graveyard and WIB
4) Children in graveyard
1) “suddenly conscious of the cold and extreme bleakness and eeriness of this spot”- poor weather supernatural atmosphere
2) parallel to Dickens, A Christmas carol, pathetic fallacy with weather foreshadowing evil nature of WIB
3) “greyness”- draws parallel with WIB “blue white sheen”- foreshadowing her nature and relationship with graveyard
4) “pale solemn faces”- ghostly, children, innocence- rationality of Kipps increases tension
Grief, Loss, Vengeance
1) What kind of space is it
2) Why was WIB in graveyard
3) context
1) “greyness of the fading light”- liminal space between life and death, emphasises grief of losing a loved one
2) To grieve son Nathaniel “desperate yearning malevolence”- desire for vengeance, child taken from her since out of wedlock, takes children away from all parents in village as revenge
3) Hill lost own son, speaking from experience?