What does grasping the current condition involve?
It involves personally observing and studying the focus process.
How do we study the current condition of the focus process?
By objectively and quantitatively analysing how it operates and performs.
The closer you are to a process, the more objective you are about it - Correct?
Incorrect. The more familiar you are with the process, the harder it is to see objectively.
Must you listen to people’s beliefs or your own about what is actually happening?
Neither. Go & See to understand for yourself.
Can we just rely on “Go & See”?
No. Everyone sees what is important differently. You have to “Go, See & Measure” to grasp the current condition.
What is critical?
The understanding of the opertaing patterns before deciding on the next target condition
What is process analysis not?
It is not problem analysis which is identifying problems, wastes or potential improvements.
What is the purpose of grasping the current condition
To get a baseline understanding of the process performance and operating patterns.
What do you do with the process analysis Starter Kata?
You directly observe and measure the process, live. Observe and time operating cycles of the actors and equipment.
What does live process analysis do?
It lets you spot patterns in the work that were invisible or appeared to be random events.
When does the next target condition become obvious
When you have studied the current process very well
What do averages mask?
They mask process variation
What good word should be used when trying to understand any process?
What is the key part of what we are trying to see and measure?
What is the current way of doing things.
What is an initial current condition?
Using the process analysis to observe and time cycles within the process, live. The current condition will then be captured before every coaching cycle using the clean data collected.
What is cycle time
It is a process metric