Graphs and Trees Flashcards
What is the definition of a graph?
A graph G is a set of vertices V and a set of edges E
Each edge in E is a pair (u,v) are vertices in V
What is adjacent and incident?
Adjacent: Two vertices are adjacent when connected by an edge
Incident: A vertice at either end of an edge is considered incident to that edge
- walk
- path
- cycle
Walk: a sequence of alternating vertices and edges
Path: a walk in which no vertex is visited twice and no edge is used twice
Cycle: is a path that ends where it began (an edge joins the first and last vertex)
- connected
- disconnected
- components
- Connected : there exists a path between all vertices
- disconnected: there is not a path between all vertices
- components: when a graph is disconnected, each connected sub-graph is a component of the larger graph
What is:
- A tree
- A spanning tree
What are useful facts about a spanning tree?
Tree: A connected graph with no cycles
Spanning tree: subsets of a graph G that forms a tree (connected with no cycles)
Userful facts about spanning tree:
- Every connected graph has a spanning tree
- A spanning tree has N vertices and N-1 edges (a quick way to check if a spanning tree)
What is:
A weighted graph
Minimum spanning tree
weighted graph: a graph where each edge has a numeric value
minimum spanning tree: a weight graph G, whose set of edges has the least possible total weight when compared to all spanning trees in G
- It is possible for a graph G to have multiple minimum spanning trees
Optimization Problem: Minimum Spanning Tree
What is the input?
Optimization Problem: Minimum Spanning Tree
What is the required output?
Optimization Problem: Minimum Spanning Tree : Solution
Let’s say we have a complete, connected graph on n vertices.
What is the number of spanning trees (feasible solutoions)?
There are nn-2 feasible solutions.
Among those, for a MST we are looking for the feasible solution with the minimum cost
Prim’s Algorithmm for MST
What is the general idea?
General idea: Exapnd the spanning tree one edge at a time
At each step you have a connected tree T
Start with any single vertex in the graph then:
- Make tree T bigger by adding the smallest-weight edge that has one connection inside of T and one endpoint outside of T
- Repeat n-1 times
What does the mathy pseudo code for Prim’s MST algorithm look like?
What is the pseudo code for Prim’s MST Algorithm
MST Algo: Prim
How do you prove the greedy-choice property?
MST Algo: Prims
How do you prove the optimal substructure property?