graphs and networks Flashcards
set of points joined by lines
line segment (one point to another)/edge
sequence of arcs - continuous arc to arc journey
trail but with no repeated nodes
trail that ends where it started that does not repeat any node
connected graph with no cycles
connected graph
graph where there exists a path to join to any node to any other
complete graph (Kn)
each node is directly connected to every other node at least once
bipartite graph (K,n,m)
graph consisting of two sets of nodes with arcs joining between the 2 sets
order of a node
number of arcs meeting at the node
planar graph
graph that can be drawn so that arcs only meet at nodes
simple graph
a graph with no loops or multiple arcs
eulerian graph
graph where all nodes are even and connected & that can be drawn with one continuous node, ending where it started
semi-eulerian graph
graph with 2 odd nodes and the rest are even - all are connected
& can be drawn with one continuous line starting at one odd node and ending at the other
Euler’s relationship?
nodes + regions = arcs + 2
closed trail
first and last nodes are the same
directed graph / di-graph
a graph in which the edges/arcs have a direction
incidence matrix
a matrix representing the edges in a graph
hamiltonian cycle
a cycle that visits every node
spanning tree properties
(n-1) arcs, n nodes, all connected, no cycles