Graphs Flashcards
What are graphs?

What is a directed graph?

What are undirected graphs?

What are simple graphs?

What are directed multigraphs?

What are undirected multigraphs?

What are weighted multigraphs?

What are adjacency, neighbourhood, and degrees in undirected graphs?

What is the handshaking theorem?

Example of the handshaking theorem

What are in-degrees and out-degrees in directed graphs?

What is the theorem for degrees in directed multigraphs?

What are complete graphs?

What is a cycle graph?

What is a wheel graph?

What are cube graphs?

What are bipartite graphs?


Can a graph with loops be bipartite?

What is a complete bipartite graphs?

What is a subgraph?


What are unions of graphs?

What are adjacency lists?

What are adjacency matrices?

What are adjacency matrices for undirected graphs?

What are adjacency matrices for directed multigraphs?

What are adjacency matrices for undirected multi graphs?



What are incidence matrices for directed multigraphs?

What are incidence matrices for undirected multigraphs?

What is graph isomorphisms?

Examples of graph isomorphism

What is a path in a graph?

What are paths for undirected multigraphs?

What are paths for directed multigraphs?

Examples of path lengths

What is undirected connectivity?

Examples of undirected connectivity

What is directed connectivity?

Examples for directed connectivity

How do you count paths between vertices

What are Euler paths and circuits

What are the conditions for Euler paths and circuits for undirected graphs?

What are the conditions for Euler paths and circuits for directed graphs?

Example of Euler paths

What are Hamilton paths and circuits?

What are conditions for Hamilton paths and circuits?

What is the travelling salesman problem?