Graph Theory Flashcards
Sequence of vertices that follows edges
Walk that does not repeat edges
Sequence of vertices that does not repeat edges
Trail that doesn’t repeat vertices
Sequence of vertices that repeats neither edges nor vertices
Sequence of vertices that starts and ends at the same place
Closed Walk
Sequence of vertices that starts and ends at the same place and doesn’t repeat edges
Closed trail
Tour that has positive length and doesn’t repeat vertices
Sequence of vertices that starts and ends at the same place and doesn’t repeat edges or vertices
A tour is Eulerian when
it uses every edge once and visits every vertex
A trail, walk, or path is semi Eulerian when
it uses every edge once and visits every vertex
A graph is Eulerian iff
it has an euler tour
A graph is semi-Eulerian iff
it has an euler trail, walk, or path
Handshake lemma for nondirectional graph
sum of degrees = 2 times number of edges
Handshake lemma for directional graph
sum of degree of vectors in = number of edges = sum of degree of vectors out
u can reach v or v is reachable from u
u-v walk
every pair of vertices is strongly connected
graph G is strongly connected
strongly connected graph and every vertex has in degree = out degree
directed graph has an euler tour
induced subgraph on the set of strongly connected vertices with v
strongly connected component of v = [v]
All strongly connected components are treated as one vertex and removing all self loops
condensation graph = DAG
Directed Acyclic Graph
digraph with no cycles
edge that is only path between endpoints
covering edge
you take a DAG and remove all edges except covering edges
Hasse Diagram