Graph teory Flashcards
Graphs Definition (1)
1.) A graph is defined by a finite set of Vertices and a set of Edges which pare the vertices
Edges (1)
1.) Connections between two vertices, which can also be weighted (to assign for example distance)
Adjacency Matrixes (3)
- ) Adjacency matrices of graphs with n vertices is an (n x n) matrix.
- ) If the graph is unweighted the matrix is boolean and each combination of the elements is equal to 1 if there is an edge and 0 if there isn’t.
- ) If the graph is weighted the matrix is a weighted/cost matrix and each combination of the elements is equal to the edge weight if there is an edge and infinity if there isn’t.
Simple/Strict graphs (4)
- ) undirected
- ) unweighted
- ) no loops
- ) no more than one edge between two vertices
Connected Graphs (1)
1.) Connected graphs: a graph is connected if for any two given points x and y there is a way to travel from x to y.
Component (2)
- ) Disconnected graph which is part of a super graph.
2. ) Also called sub-graph.
Complete Graph (3)
- ) All vertices are connected through direct edges.
- ) Each vertex will have n-1 edges.
- ) The graph will have ( n(n-1) ) / 2 edges
Cycle Graphs (4)
- ) Simple, connected graph.
- ) Each vertex is connected to 2 other vertices.
- ) The number of edges equals the number of vertices.
- ) It has a path which starts and ends in the same vertex without traversing an edge more than once.
Trees and Forests (3)
- ) Tree: simple, undirected, connected acyclic graph.
- ) A tree with n vertices has n-1 edges.
- ) Forest: supergraph composed by sub-graphs which are trees.
Eulerian path/trail (1)
1.) Eulerian path/trail is a path which visits each edge only once.
Path (1)
1.) Finite or infinite sequence of edges which connect disconnected vertices.
Undirected Graph (2)
- ) Each edge in the graph is undirected.
2. ) Undirected graphs are symmetric.
Directed Graph (2)
- ) Each edge in the graph is directed.
2. ) Diagraphs are asymmetric.
Mixed Graphs (1)
1.) Mixed graphs have both directed and undirected edges.
Directed Edges (2)
e = (u, v)
- ) The edge is directed if (u, v) is not the same as (v, u).
- ) ‘u’ is called the edge’s tail and ‘v’ is called the edge’s head.
Eulerian cycle/circuit (2)
- ) Eulerian trail which starts and ends on the same vertex.
- ) If all vertices have an even number of edges then a eulerian cycle is possible
Eulerian graph (1)
1.) A graph with an eulerian cycle is a Eulerian graph.
Hamiltonian/Traceable path (1)
1.) path in undirected or directed graph which passes by each vertex only once.
Hamiltonian cycle/circuit (1)
1.) A hamiltonian path which starts and ends in the same vertex.
Hamiltonian Graph (1)
1.) Graphs which have hamiltonian cycles/circuits.
Multigraphs (1)
1.) Graphs with multiple edges connecting two vertices.