Graph Agos Flashcards
How to get connected components in undirected graph G
Run DFS and keep track of component #
DFS inputs and outputs
input: G=(V,E) in adjacency list representation
prev[z]: The parent index of vertex z in the DFS visitation
pre[z]:The pre number of the vertex z in the DFS visitation
post[z]: The post number of vertex z in the DFS visitation
ccnum[z]:The connected components number IF vertices are passed in as highest post number
lowest number after running DFS on a reversed directed graph that is processed this way, the ccnum also be the topological sort order in reverse
DFS algorithm
DFS(G): cc = 0 for all v in V, visited(v) = FALSE for all v in V if not visited(v) then c++ explore(v)
DFS Explore
Explore(z) ccnum(z) = cc visited(z) = TRUE for all (z,w) in E: if not visited(w) Explore(w)
Running time for DFS
How to find a path between connected vertices?
We add an initialization of prev(v) = NULL to the base case for DFS and in Explore we set prev(w)=z after running Explore(w)
We use the prev array to backtrack. For a pair of certices in the same connected component, we can use the prev array to find a path between this pair of connected vertices.
How can we get connectivity info for directed G?
use dfs: add pre/postorder numbers for the tree or forest of explored edges
DFS on directed graphs
DFS(G): clock =1 for all v in V, visited(v) = FALSE for all v in V if not visited(v) then explore(v)
Explore(z) for directed graphs
Explore(z) pre(x) = clock; clock++ visited(z) = TRUE for all (z,w) in E: if not visited(w) Explore(w) post(z) = clock, clock++
Do we use postorder numbers or pre order numbers for directed graphs?
How is a graph represented?
We can represent a graph by an adjacency matrix; if there are n = |V | vertices v1, . . . , vn, this is an n × n array whose (i, j)th entry is
aij =
1 if there is an edge from vi to vj
0 otherwise.
For undirected graphs, the matrix is symmetric since an edge (u,v) can be taken in any direction.
Tree edges
Part of the forest. post(z) > post(w)
Forward Edges
lead from a node to a nonchild descendant in the DFS tree. Goes down multiple steps. post(z) > post(w)
Back Edges
lead to an ancestor in the DFS tree. The post order number of post(z) < post(w)
Cross Edges
lead to neither descendant not ancestor; they therefore lead to a node that has already been completely explored. post(z) > post(w)
A circular path v0->v1->v2….->vk->v0.
G has a cycle iff its DFS tree has a back eddge
How to know if a directed hraph has a cycle?
if its depth first search reveals a back edge
How is a dag linearized?
Decreasing post numbers
Directed Acylclic graph
No cycles = No back edges
Topologically sort inputs and outputs
Input: Graoh G = (V,E), directed acycic graoh(DAG)
Outut:topo[i]: the vertex number of the ith vetex in topological order from left to right
Topologically sorting runtime
DAG Structure -
Source Vertex = no incoming edges
Sink Vertex = no outgoing edges
There is always at least one source and one sink
Source Vertex
ight have some outgoing edges, but No incoming edges = highest post #
Sink vertex
Might have some edges in, but it has no outgoing edges = lowest post #
Alternative topological sorting algorithm
1) Find a sink, output it and delete it
2) Repeat 1 until the graph is empty
Connectivity in directed graphs. How do we know v and w are strongly connected?
Vertices v and w are strongly connected if:
there is a path v->w and w->v
Strongly connected component
Maximal set of strongly connected vertices
How do we know a vertex is in a sink in a dag?
It has the lowest post order #
Does the vertex with a the lowest order # for a general graph exist in a sink
what characteristic of v will cause to live in a source for a general directed graph
highest post number