Declarative sentence
Makes Statement and ends with a period
Interrogative sentence
Ask Question and ends with question mark
Exclamatory Sentence
Statement with emotions and ends with exclamation mark
Imperative Sentence
Gives commands, makes request, ends with a period or exclamation mark
Abbreviations are abbreviated forms of words and phrases (EX: “Mister” becomes “Mr.”)
Capitalization with proper and common nouns.
*Do not Capitalize common nouns
*Capitalize proper nouns
Contractions (apostrophe rule)
When combining two words together to make a contraction, use an apostrophe and drop a letter.
Words having the same pronunciation but different meanings, origins, or spelling.
Run on Sentences
If there are two ideas in a sentence, it should be spilt apart and written as two; especially if one is a question and the other is a statement.
Quotes (punctuation)
*When you borrow someone else words, place quotes around the words you borrow
*When someone is speaking, place quotes around anything said out loud
A preposition shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and another word in a sentence (EX: the cat is under the table).
Capitalize I
When I is used by itself, always capitalize I
Introductory preposition phrase
A Introductory preposition phrase begins with a preposition and ends with object of that preposition. (EX: After the rain, the sun came out).
Participle Phrase
*Start a sentence with a participle phrase and add a comma.
(A participle is a verb form that acts as an adjective. It describes a noun or pronoun).
Place a comma around an appositive, extra information about the subject, when it interrupts the sentence.
Verb Tense
Keep the verb tense the same
*Start a new paragraph when the topic changes
*Start a new paragraph when a new speaker is speaking