Grammer Flashcards
Imp. Is another word for period (dec.)
Dec. is another word for period.
Int. means a question mark
Exc. means an exclamation mark
What is a simple subject
Noun or pronoun that is the main word or words in a sentence.
Simple predicate
Main word or words in the predicate; verb
Subordinating conjunction
Word such as after, because, since, or when that joins a dependent clause to an independent clause to make a complete sentence
Word that shows the relationship between a noun or a pronoun and other words in a sentence
Object of a presentation
Noun or pronoun that follows a preposition in a sentence.
Independent clause
A group of words that has a subject and a predicate
Dependent clause
Group of words that has a subject and a predicate but can not stand alone as a sentence it dose not express a complete thought. It has although, after, before, because, until, when, or where.
Complete subject
All the words in the subject that tell who or what the sentence is about.
Complete predicate
All the words in the predicate that tell what the subject dose or is
See dependent clause and independent clause
Coordinating conjunction
Words that join words or phrases