GRAMMER Flashcards
Heluhelu ke keiki i ka puke.
Verb-Subject-Object (VSO) Order
The child reads the book.
ʻAi ʻo ia i ka meaʻai.
Verb-Subject-Object (VSO) Order
He eats the food.
Kākau ka wahine i ka leka.
Verb-Subject-Object (VSO) Order
Writes the woman the letter.
ʻIke ke kanaka i ka manu.
Verb-Subject-Object (VSO) Order
Sees the man the bird.
Aʻo i ke kumu i ka haumāna.
Verb-Subject-Object (VSO) Order
Teaches the teacher the student.
Hopu ka lawai’a i ka i’a.
Verb-Subject-Object (VSO) Order
Catches the fisherman the fish.
Hahai i ka ʻīlio i ka pōpoki.
Verb-Subject-Object (VSO) Order
Chases the dog the cat.
Kohi i ke kaikamahine i ka pua.
Verb-Subject-Object (VSO) Order
Picks the girl the flower.
Hoʻokani ke keiki i ka ʻukulele.
Verb-Subject-Object (VSO) Order
Plays the boy the ukulele.
Pena i ka mea pena i ke kiʻi.
Verb-Subject-Object (VSO) Order
Paints the artist the picture.
nā ʻohana
nā ʻelelū
kēia keiki
kēia pāʻina
kēlā pōpoki
kēlā hale
Hauʻoli ke keiki.
Stative sentences
Wela ka wai.
Stative sentences
Kaumaha ka pōpoki
Stative sentences
Make nā ʻelelū.
Stative sentences
Leʻaleʻa kēlā pāʻina
Stative sentences
ʻUlaʻula kēlā hale
Stative sentences
Mālie kēlā wai.
Stative sentences
Uliuli ka lani.
Stative sentences
Mamao ka mauna.
Stative sentences
Nani ka ʻikena.
Stative sentences
ʻAi nā ʻohana.
Action Sentences
Hiamoe ke keiki.
Action Sentences
Holo ka pōpoki.
Action Sentences
Lele nā ʻelelū.
Action Sentences
Hele / kēlā wahine
Action Sentences
Pulu ka honua.
Stative sentences
Kiʻekiʻe ka uapo.
Stative sentences
ʻĀlani ka lole.
Stative sentences