grammarrr Flashcards
What are the harf e jar
باء With
تاء For qasm
كاف Like
لام For
واو For qasm
مُنْذُ Since
مُذْ Since
خَلَا Besides
رُبَّ Occasionally
حَاشَا But, with the exception of
مِنْ From
عَدَا Apart from
فِي In
عَنْ From, regarding
عَلٰى Ontop
حَتّٰى Upto, until
اِلٰى Upto, towards
What are the أفعال ناقصه
كان was
Became صار
To happen in the morning اضحى
At noon امسى
During day ظلَّ
At night بات
So long as ما دام
Always َما زال ، ما برح، مانفكَّ، ما فتِىء
Isn’t ليس
What araabs does أفعال ناقصه give to mubtada and khabr
They give a dhamma to a mubtada and a fathah to a khabr
كان البيتُ نظيفاً
When is the order of mubtada khabr reversed
When an أفعال ناقصه comes and the khabr has a harf e jar, then the khabr will come first and then the mubtada. The mubtada that comes at the end will still have a dhamma
E.g كان للرجلِ فرسٌ
كان في السماءِ سحابٌ
What are the 5 حروف مشبه بالفعل
Certainly اَنَّ-اِنَّ
As if كاَنَّ
But ّلكن
Hoping ليتَ
Maybe لعلَّ
What araab do the huroof mushabbaha bil fayl give to mubtada and khabr
Fathah to a mubtada
Dhamma to a khabr
E.g كانَّ زيدَ اسدٌ
When is the order reversed of the mubtada khabr when there is a huroof mushabbaha bil fayl
When there is a harf jar on the khabr, it will appear first, and then the mubtada
E.g اِنّ إلينا ايابهم
The إلينا is the khabr and the اليٰ is the harf e jar
What are the 4 حروف ناصبة and what does it give a fathah to
To,that انّ
Certainly not لن
So that كَيْ
In that case اِذَنْ
It gives araab to the fayl mudarih
E.g لن يدخلَ الكافرُ في الجنة
What are the 5 حروف جازمة and an example
E.g اِنه لم يشرَبْ
What are the 6 حروف شرطية and what are the parts of the sentence called
If لو
If it wasn’t لولا
If not لوما
When متى
When اذا
If اِن
The first part of the sentence is called shart and then jazaa
What are the 9 حروف استفهام
What ماذا، ما ،أ ، هل
How many كم
Who من
Which ايٌّ
What thing ايش
Where اين
When متى
How كيف
Why لِمَ