GRAMMAR Verbs/tenses Flashcards
What are the basic verb tenses and mo…
The basic verb tenses in German are: …
Indicative mood introduction:
The Indikativ/Indicative mood is the …
Konjuktiv II introduction:
The Konjunktiv II is similar to the c…
Imperative mood introduction:
The Imperativ/Imperative mood is used…
Präsens introduction:
The Präsens corresponds to the simple…
Perfekt and Präteritum introduction:
The Präteritum and Perfekt, are close…
Plusquamperfekt introduction:
The Plusquamperfekt is directly relat…
Futur I introduction:
The Futur I tense is similar to the E…
Futur II introduction:
The Futur II is similar to the Englis…
The Present and Preterite Tenses:
The Präsens and Präteritum are the tw…
The Präsens and the Präteritum of the…
Modal verbs are irregular in the pres…
The Präsans and the Prätaritum of the…
Präsens Präteritum Ich bin war habe h…
The past participle:
In English, the perfect tense is form…
The Perfect Tense:
Once you know a verb’s participle, th…
Perfekt vs Präteritum:
In English, the preterite is used abo…
The Future Tenses (and Futuristic Pre…
The basic future tense in German is t…
The Konjuktiv II:
The Konjunktiv II mood is much more c…