Grammar Test Flashcards
Beautiful white SNOW covered the mountain’s flanks.
Singular Noun
Kentucky’s PASTURES produce many thoroughbreds.
Plural Noun
Su-Lin scrubbed the CAR’S tires while Tom polished the chrome.
Possessive Noun
Today’s OLYMPICS concentrate on sport only and have a much expanded venue.
Proper Noun
PARTICIPANTS held the first modern games in the year 1896 in Athen, Greece.
Common Noun
Abandoned for several centuries, the games were revived in 1894 by an internaitonal COMMITTEE.
Collective Noun
YOU are the best friend anyone could ask for.
Personal Pronoun
MS. Kowalski signed HER autograph on this theater program.
Possessive Pronoun
The chimpanzee ITSELF opened the lock on the labratory door.
Intensive Pronoun
Marin, why don’t you attend the meeting and see for YOURSELF?
Reflexive Pronoun
WHOM did the sheriff want to see?
Interrogative Pronoun
Is Pat the person WHO parked in the principal’s reserved space?
Relative Pronoun
Please save SOME for Mandy.
Indefinite Pronoun
How expensive are THOSE?
Demostrative Pronoun
John Wesley Powell CAME from Mount Morris, New York.
Intransitive Verb
Major Poweel and eight assorted adventurers BEGAN the mapping expedition on May 24, 1869.
Transitive Verb
Connie WALKS to the grocery store with Miki.
Action Verb.
Me neightbors APPEAR regularly on local television.
Linking Verb
Marsha IS no GETTING a new sweater today.
Verb Phrase
Some villages developed into HUGE urban areas.
Uncle Kwan laughed HEARILY.
Judy parked her car IN FRONT OF MARGIE’S HOUSE.
Prepositional Phrase
The boats were tied downstream below the DAM.
Object of the Preposition
Is Hector the man leaning AGAINST the wall?
IN the ancient world the establishment or large governments AND the development of trade necessitated formal message-carrying systems.
Coordinating Conjunction
Around 550 B.C, the Persians began a postal service that NOT ONLY proved dependable BUT ALSO still serves as a model for communication.
Correlative Conjunction
The Romans established a large system that remained very reliable SO LONG AS the empire maintained it’s central world authority.
Subordinating Conjunction
YIPES! Rover is losse again in the neighbor’s yard.
Everyone was restless;NEVERTHELESS, Hal continued his speech.
Conjunctive Adverb