Grammar rules Flashcards
‘De le’ becomes?
Conjugation of regular ER verbs
Example - to speak
Take off “er”
Je parle E Tu parles ES Il parle E Nous parlons ONS Vous parlez EZ Ils parlent ENT
Conjugation of regular IR verbs
Example: to finish
Remove “ir”
Je finis IS
Tu finis IS
Il finit IT
Nous finissons ISSONS
Vous finissez ISSEZ
Ils finissent ISSENT
Conjugation of regular -RE verbs
Example: To sell
Remove -re
Je vends S
Tu vends S
Ils vend
Nous vendons ONS
Vous vendez EZ
Ils vendent ENT
What is unusual about nationalities? (Compared to English?)
No capital letter
Languages take what form?
The male version of nationality
How do you say from? (I.e. From a country)
De (f)
Du (m)
Des (plural)
How do you say “in” (in a country, and in a city) - (or ‘to’ a country).
Fem -
Masc -
Plural -
City -
En (if country is feminine)
Au (if country is masculine)
Aux (if country is plural)
á (if a city rather than a country)
From … To ….
De … à
“A Le” becomes?
The subject ‘on’ means what?
one, we (familiar) and they (familiar)
The word for ‘this’ is what, when it is preceding a masculine noun?
And if the noun begins with a vowel?
When do you use quell(s)/ quelle(s) and when do you use Qu’est-ce que?
Both mean ‘what’. If a noun is associated with the ‘what’ you use ‘quel..’