Grammar Rules Flashcards
A: before a consonant/vowel (masculine)
A: before s + a consonant, ps, pn, gn, z (masculine)
A: before a consonant (feminine)
A: before a vowel (feminine)
The: before a consonant (masculine, sing + pl)
Singular: il
Plural: i
The: before a vowel (masculine, sing + pl)
Singular: l’
Plural: gli
The: before s + a consonant (masculine, sing + pl)
Singular: Lo
Plural: gli
The: before a consonant (feminine, sing + pl)
Singular: la
Plural: le
The: before a vowel (feminine, sing + pl)
Singular: l’
Plural: le
Word ending for masculine words (sing + pl)
Singular: -o
Plural: -i
Word endings for feminine words (sing + pl)
Singular: -a
Plural: -e
Word endings for masc + fem words (sing + pl)
Singular: -e
Plural: -i
Prepositions: going to a city
A (vado a Napoli)
Prepositions: going to a country or region
In (vado in Germania)
Prepositions: to leave
Per (parto per la Francia, parto per New York)
Prepositions: go by bike, car, airplane etc
In (vado all’università in macchina)
Prepositions: go by foot
A (vado all’università a piedi)
Something is good (food, concepts)
Something/someone is beautiful/handsome
Conjugating bello e buono
Last letter/s of word take on the preposition of the next word eg. beautiful man = bell’uomo (l’uomo)
A good cake
Una buona torta
Macro is a beautiful boy
Marco e un bel ragazzo
A good idea
Una boun’ idea
Molto as an adverb (meaning very/really)
Always in ‘molto’ form (mi piace molto la pizza, Maria e molto bella)
Molto as an adjective (many, a lot of)
Changes from masc. to fem. (Mangio molta pizza, bevo molto te)
I like (singular) (infinitive verb)
My piace …
I like (plural)
Mi piacciono/non my piacciono
Formal: how are you
Come sta?
Informal: how are you
Come stai?
Conjugations of verbs ending in are
Io: o Tu: i Lui/lei: a Noi: iamo Voi: ate Loro: ano
Conjugations of verbs ending in ere
Io: o Tu: i Lui/lei: è Noi: iamo Voi: ete Loro: ono
Conjugations of words ending in ire (first type)
Io: o Tu: i Lui/lei: e Noi: iamo Voi: ite Loro: ono
Conjugations of verbs ending in ire (2nd type)
Io: isco Tu: isci Lui/lei: isce Noi: iamo Voi: ite Loro: iscono