grammar quiz Flashcards
What is a simple sentence?
A simple sentence has one independent clause. It expresses a complete thought, using a subjdct and a predicate.
The hungry children brought a pie at the farmer’s market.
S or Sn? He went to the hosipital.
S or Sn? He bought three oranges, a basket of strawberries, a bag of peas, and three summer squash at the kitchener market.
Sn, I think.
Declarative is
Interrogative is
Exclamatory is
Imperative is
What is a natural order?
when the subject comes before the verb, the sentence is in natural order.
example: Karleen went to the store.
What is the inverted order?
When the verb of part of the verb comes before the subject, the sentence is in inverted order.
example: Here are the keys. Down came the snow.
What is a complete subject?
The complete subject includes all the words that tell who or what the sentence is about.
example: MY BOTHER likes to go with us.
What is a complete predicate?
The complete predicate includes all the words that state the action or condition of the subject.
example: My brother LIKES TO GO WITH US.
What is a direct object?
Th direct object tells who or what receibes the action of the verb. The direct object is a noun or pronoun that follows an ation verb.
example: The middle East OIL.
What is the indirect object?
The indirect object is the noun or pronoun that tells to whom or for whom an action is done. In order to have an indirect object, a sentence must have a direct object.
example: Who gave YOU that interesting book?
What is a subject complement?
A subject complement is a noun, pronoun or adjective that comes after a linking verb. It tells something about the subject. Some common linking verbs are forms of the verb be (am, is, are, was, were) appear, seem, feel, smell and look.
Example: Mico is a painter. It was he. Your eyes look clear.
What is a compound sentence?
TWO SIMPLE SENTENCES: I don’t know where he went. No one has seen him this morning.
COMBINED INTO A COMPOUND SENTENCE: I don’t know where he went, and no one has seen him since this morning.
What is a sentence fragment?
Sentence fragement: Just before eating.
Corrected sentence: Just before eating, he phoned his girlfriend.
What is a fun run-on sentence?
Example: We have only a day until the big dance. I don’t have my dress dry cleaned yet and that will take at least a day.
What is a comma splice errors?
A comma splice error occurs when two closely related but idependant senteces are joined by a comma.