Grammar - Practice Questions Flashcards
necesse erit dominō servōs līberāre
it will be necessary for the master to free the slaves
nōn commōdum erat meīs fīliābus ad tabernam ambulāre
it was not convenient for my daughters to walk to the shop
difficile erat nōbīs celerrimē putāre
it was difficult for us to think very quickly
Read the following Latin sentences and answer the question that follows in Latin:
“postquam forum intrāvērunt, multī cīvēs subitō magnum clāmōrem audīvērunt et puerum clāmantem dē pugnā in mediā viā vīdērunt”
Quid puer faciēbat?
Read the following Latin sentences and answer the question that follows in Latin:
“postquam forum intrāvērunt, multī cīvēs subitō magnum clāmōrem audīvērunt et puerum clāmantem dē pugnā in mediā viā vīdērunt”
Ubi puer stābat?
in mediā viā
Read the following Latin sentences and answer the question that follows in Latin:
“postquam forum intrāvērunt, multī cīvēs subitō magnum clāmōrem audīvērunt et puerum clāmantem dē pugnā in mediā viā vīdērunt”
Cūr puer clāmābat?
erat pugna
What use of the ablative case can be found in the following sentence:
puer cum celeritāte cucurrit
What use of the ablative case can be found in the following sentence:
puer multō celerius quam
āthlēta cucurrit
degree of difference
Say in Latin:
The boy hit the athlete with a discus
puer athlētam discō percussit / pulsāvit / verberāvit
*or imperfect tense forms
Supply the correct form of the relative pronoun needed if the following sentence were to be translated into Latin:
The beautiful girls, whose father was a Roman senator, walked to the Forum.
Supply the correct form of the relative pronoun needed to translate the following sentence into Latin:
I didn’t support the candidates whom I used to trust.
Supply the correct form of the relative pronoun needed to translate the following sentence into Latin:
The gifts, which were given to the king, were very expensive.
Translate into Latin:
The boy was praised by everyone.
puer ab omnibus laudābātur / laudātus est
Translate into Latin:
The very beautiful temples had been seen both in Athens and in Rome.
pulcherrima templa et ATHĒNĪS et RŌMAE VĪSA erant
Translate into Latin:
The camp has been captured by the very brave soldiers.