Grammar Part 2 Flashcards
to do something for a long time, to move something inside
Verb ます (stem form) + 込む
あなたの口座にお金を振り込んだよ。-I transferred the money to your account.
すみません、この商品をどこに入れ込んだほうがいいですか。-Sorry, where should I put this product?
この薬の使い方は鼻から吸い込むことです。-This medicine is used by breathing it in through your nose.
for sure (emphasize preceding word); precisely; definitely ~
これこそ望むところです。-This is the very thing I want.
今年こそJLPTに受かりたい。-This year I want to finally pass the JLPT.
(must) do
make a general expression that one should or should not do something.
Verb (dictionary form) Verb (ない form)
大声を出さないこと。-Don’t speak with a loud voice.
晩ごはんの前にデザートを食べないこと。-No eating dessert before dinner.
休むときは、必ず学校に連絡すること。-You must contact the school when you want to take a day off.
from the fact that ~
Verb (casual)
Noun + である/だった
な-adjective + である/だった
道路が濡れていることから、雨が降ったということが分かる。-Considering the ground is wet, I know that it must have rained.
教室で席が隣だったことから友人になった。-We became good friends from the fact that our seats were right next to each other in the classroom.
to be expected to; to be scheduled to; it has been decided as a rule that
This is often used to explain set rules.
Verb (dictionary form)
Verb (ない form)
Noun + という
この図書館では2週間まで本が借りられることになっています。-At this library, you can borrow books for up to 2 weeks.
燃えるゴミは、毎週の月曜日と木曜日に捨てることになっています。-Burnable garbage is to be thrown out every week on Mondays and Thursdays.
there is no need to; (something) never happens; there is no possibility that ~
This is often used to help stop someone from worrying about something.
Verb (dictionary form) +ことはない
謝ることはないよ。-There is no need for you to apologize
明日のテストは簡単だから、心配することはないよ。-Tomorrow’s test will be easy, so it’s nothing to worry about.
although; but ~
verb (casual) + ことは+ same verb (casual) +が
な-adjective + ことは + same な-adjective +が
い-adjective + ことは+ same い-adjective +が
N3の勉強をしたことはしたが、合格できるか自信がない。-Although I studied for the JLPT N3, I don’t have confidence I can pass.
新しいゲームも面白いことは面白いが、昔のゲームのほうが好きだ。-New games are still interesting, but I prefer older games.
ぐらい (だ)
approximately; about; around;
to the extent; so…that, so
Verb (casual form) Noun な-adjective + な い-adjective \+くらい/ぐらい
どれくらい日本に住んでいますか?-How long have you been living in Japan?
この店のパンはおいしい。毎日食べたいくらいだ。-This shop’s bread is so delicious that I want to eat it every day.
~is the most…(of all). Used to express a subjective judgement by the speaker, not to state an objective fact.
東京喰種ぐらい好きな漫画はない。-Tokyo Ghoul is the best manga./I like Tokyo Ghoul the best.
テストほどいやなものはない。-I hate tests more than anything.
If ~is the case, then you are better off…
Used to express a subjective judgment of the speaker, not to state an objective fact.
plain form +くらいなら/ぐらいなら
30分も遅れて説明会に行くくらいなら、参加しないほうがいい。-If you’re going to be 30 minutes late to the meeting, it would be better if you didn’t participate.
~is the best, ~is the best way/method
Used to express a subjective judgment of the speaker, not to state an objective fact.
plain/neg form
and yet; although; despite the fact that ~
This is similar in meaning to けど and のに (noni) , but it expresses more emotion from the speaker and comes off stronger.
Verb (dictionary form) Noun + の な-adjective + な い-adjective \+くせに
背が高いくせに早く走れない。-Despite being tall, he cannot run fast.
医者でもないくせに。-You aren’t even a doctor (so don’t act like you are one).
as if; as though; just like ~
Verb (casual form) + よう
Noun + のよう
合格した!まるで夢のようだ。-I passed! It’s like a dream!
あの女の人は、美しくて、優しくて、まるで天使のようだ。-That lady is beautiful and kind like an angel.
there’s no way; that’s impossible; you must be joking
まさか + Negative clause
まさかそうなるとは思わなかった。-That’s the last thing I expected.
まさかカギをなくしたのではないでしょうね!-You surely haven’t lost the key!
hardly; rarely; seldom
めったに + Verb (ない form)
Noun + は + めったにない
彼はめったに本を読まない。-He rarely reads books.
このところでは滅多に雪が降りません。-It rarely snows in this area.
and; also; as well; either/or; neither/nor
It can be used with either:
2 positive points.
2 negative points.
1 positive and 1 negative point.
Noun-1 + も+
Verb(ば form)
Noun + なら
な-adj + なら
い-adj + minus い + ければ
+ Noun-2 + も
本を読むのが好きな人もいれば、嫌いな人もいます。-If there are people who like to read books, there will also be people who dislike it.
学生の態度もわるければ教師の態度もわるい。-If the student’s attitude is bad, then the teacher’s attitude will also be bad.
perhaps; maybe; perchance; by any chance ~
+phrase + かもしれない
もしかしたら病気かもしれない。-I might be sick.
もしかしたら彼は気が変わるかもしれません。-He might change his mind.
if; in the case; supposing ~
もしも+ Verb (た form) + ら
もしも明日は晴れたらピクニックに行きましょう。-If it’s sunny tomorrow, let’s go out for a picnic.
もしも日本に行けたら、大阪の友達に会いたいです。-If I could go to Japan, I would like to meet my friends in Osaka.
intended for; aimed at ~
Noun + 向け
初心者向けのコースがありますか。-Do you have a course for beginners?
この映画は子供向けなので、大人は見てもつまらない。-That movie is targeted for children, so it will be boring for adults who watch it.
suitable for ~
Noun + 向き
この本は初心者向きである。-This book is suitable for beginners.
その映画は子供向きだ。-This movie is suitable for children.
rather; instead; better ~
むしろ + phrase
私はむしろ一人で行きたい。-I would rather go alone.
私はむしろ電車で行くだろう。-I would likely rather go by train.
but; although; despite ~
The も at the end is optional and is often just used as ながら
Verb ます (stem form) Verb (て form) + い Noun な-adjective い-adjective + い
狭いながらも、このマンションは大好きだ。-Despite it being small, I love this apartment.
うちは貧しいながらも、家族の仲がいいし、幸せだ。-Even though my family is poor, we get along well and are happy.
can do; is not impossible to ~
This may imply that something is not impossible, but may require some level of work or effort to do.
Verb (ない form)
Noun + ではない/じゃない
な-adjective + ではない/じゃない
い-adjective + minus い +くない
走れば間に合わないことはないよ。急ごう!-We can still make it if we run. Let’s hurry up!
嬉しくないことはないが、1位が良かった。-It’s not that I’m not happy, but I would have liked to of been 1st place.
must do; unless/if you don’t ~
shortened version of ないといけない
Verb (ない form)
Noun + でない / じゃない
な-adjective + でない / じゃない
い-adjective + minus い +くない
宿題をやらないと。-I have to do my homework.
早くしないと間に合わないよ。-If you don’t hurry, you won’t make it in time.