Grammar - minor parts of speech Flashcards
The DYING man asked to speak to his wife
Dying = present participle adjective
Kim had a lot of MONEY so she…
Money = uncountable noun
I NEVER eat junk food before noon
Never = time adverb
You SHOULD see that movie
Should = modal
She IS the STRANGEST woman I met
Is = copula
Strangest = superlative or attributive adjective
The workers will TEAR DOWN the building today. It IS being torn down at 3:00.
Tear down = phrasal verb
Is = auxiliary verb
The class begins TOMORROW.
Tomorrow = time adverb
Cindy is FUNNY
Funny = predicative
I have so many BOOKS I don’t have time to read them all
Books = countable noun
Paul is REALLY tall
Really = degree adverb
I think that the BLACK dress is the one I am going to buy
Black = attributive adjective
Richard is OLDER than William
Older = comparative adjective
Joel likes SHOOTING videos with his new equipment
Shooting = gerund
This movie STINKS
Stinks = intransitive verb
Pierre GAVE roses to his girlfriend
Gave = transitive verb
- a verb that takes an object
Kelly forgot to FEED her cat
Feed = infinitive
“To” attached to the verb
Gary speaks SLOWLY when he is with students
Slowly = manner adverb
I was SHOCKED when I heard that Sarah left her husband
Shocked = past participle adjective
- -ed form for regular verbs
The Holstein ran DOWNSTAIRS
Downstairs = location adverb
Victors KNOWS the answers to the questions.
Knows = stative verb
Or - transitive verb
- non action verb
The trash SMELLS bad
Smells = copula
Rapidly = ?
Manner adverb
Rice and jewelry = ?
Uncountable or noncount nouns
Might and may = ?
Modal verbs
“HAS been studying”
Has = auxiliary verb
“The WAILING baby”
Wailing = present participle adjective
SWIMMING is his favorite sport
Swimming = gerund
The - ing form of a verb acting as a noun
“The EXHAUSTED runner”
Exhausted = past participle adjective
rarely = ?
Time verb / frequency adverb
The craziest = ?
Superlative adjective
What is a manner verb
An adverb that shows how an action is performed
Ex: mark walked QUICKLY
I BOUGHT a dress
Bought = transitive verb
- takes the place of an object
Completely = degree adverb
Nicky LOOKS happy
Looks = copula or linking verb
Give up = phrasal verb
Coordinating Conjunctions
For And Not But Or Yet So
Jackie can to MY birthday party
My = possessive adjective
- shows ownership or
Possession, used in front of a noun
Did you see ANYONE you knew at the movies?
Anyone = indefinite pronoun
- not specified person or thing Ex: anything Everybody Everything Nobody Many None
THOSE suitcases are more expensive
Those = demonstrative pronoun
David bought HER a movie player
Her = personal object pronoun
Subject pronoun: I You She He It We They
Object personal pronoun: Me You Her Him It Us Them
I would like A cup of coffee
A = indefinite article
James doesn’t come to the party BECAUSE he has to work
Because = subordinating conjunction
Mike cut HIMSELF while he was shaving
Himself = reflexive pronoun
We’d like TWO orders of fries
Two = quantifier
In general, I liked this movie, HOWEVER, I think the last was better
However = conjunction adverb
Whose jacket is THIS? It’s MINE.
Mine = possessive pronoun
We visited MANY places in Paris
Many = quantifier
She asked her to attend the meeting, BUT she was unable to go
But = coordinating conjunctions
WHO is writing the curriculum?
Who = interrogative pronoun
WHICH champagne do you reccomend?
Which = interrogative adjective
Michael and Aaron live EACH OTHER
Each other = reciprocal pronoun
It’s a beautiful day, ISNT IT?
Isn’t it = tag question
Does anyone have a pen? Here take THIS.
This = demonstrative adjective
THE sunset was spectacular this evening
The = definitive article
HEY, that man took my bike!
Hey = interjection
ALTHOUGH he is hard working STUDENT, he is not making VERY fast progress
Although= subordinating conjunction Student = countable noun Very = degree adverb
HE LOOKS really good in blue, DOESNT he?
He = personal pronoun
looks = copula verb
Doesn’t he = tag question
We had FEW alternatives, SO we chose the least EGREGIOUS one.
Few = quantifier So = coordinating conjunction Egregious = attributive adjective
It is LEGAL for someone UNDER the age of 22 TO DRINK alcohol in YOUR country?
Legal = predicative adjective
Under = preposition
To drink = infinitive verb
Your = possible adjective
Please call ME BEFORE you leave so that I CAN give you directions.
Me = personal pronoun Before = subordinating conjunction Can = modal
I feel FAINT. I think that I SHOULD sit DOWN for A FEW minutes.
Faint = predictive adjective
Should = modal
Down = location adverb
A few = quantifier
THIS is the book that I was reading LAST WEEK.
This = demonstrative pronoun
Last week = time adverb
Mary, whose daughter IS taking ballet lessons, needs to hire SOMEBODY to make A tutu.
Is = auxiliary verb Somebody = indefinite pronoun A = indefinite article
Richard went TO THE store AND bought a gallon of chocolate ice cream
To = preposition The = definite article And = coordinating conjunction
WOW, you look FABULOUS
Wow = interjection Fabulous = predictive adjective
Grace RARELY goes to the gym with EITHER Alaina OR Cindy
Rarely = time adverb Either = correlative conjunction Or = correlative conjunction
I am SO EXCITED about OUR trip to Paris next month
So = degree adverb Excited = past participle adjective Our = possessive adjective
THESE SHOES do not belong in the kitchen! Please PUT AWAY your shoes.
These = demonstrative adjective
Shoes = countable noun
Put away = phrasal verb
School VIOLENCE IS a major concern for MANY AMERICAN parents
Violence = uncountable noun Is = copula verb Many= quantifier America = attributive adjective
WHO IS going with US to the party? WHICH dress should I wear?
Who = interrogative pronoun Is = auxiliary verb Us = personal pronoun Which = interrogative adjective
We MAY not go to the beach today UNLESS the weather improves.
May = modal Unless = subordinating conjunction
Jack SEEMS SADDER today. WHAT is wrong?
Seems = copula verb Sadder = comparative adjective What = interrogative pronoun
We need to paint the house; HOWEVER, first the window frames need SANDING
However = conjunctive adverb Sanding = gerund
That = demonstrative adjective Incredibly = degree adverb Boring = present participle adjective
Michael SHOT HIMSELF in the foot. He needs to learn how TO USE a gun PROPERLY
Shot = transitive verb
Himself = reflexive pronoun
To use = infinitive verb
Properly = manner verb