Grammar focused phrases Flashcards
You can prove it by telling me. - 2
You can prove it telling me.
You can prove it if to-me-it you tell.
Puedes probarlo diciéndome.
Puedes probarlo si me lo dices.
I hope [that] [to-]you [have] liked the gifts
Espero que te hayan gustado los regalos
I hang my shirts next to my pants.
I hang my shirts to-the side of my pants
Yo cuelgo mis camisas al lado de mis pantalones.
I sort them by colors. Same way as my shirts.
Them I order by colors. The same way of my shirts.
Los ordeno por colores. La misma manera de mis camisas.
I keep my pajamas in the drawer next to my underwear.
to the side of
Yo guardo mis pijamas en la cajón al lado de mi ropa interior.
I’m missing [the] eggs.
Me faltan los huevos.
I feel that we advanced a lot in this class
certainty - My state of mind instead of a desire
I feel like we’ve made a lot of progress in this class
Siento que avanzamos mucho en esta clase
avanzar = advance, move forward, progress
I’m going to take a day off.
Voy a tomar un día de descanso|libre
noun depends on the intention