Grammar Flashcards
verb present affirmative/negative conjugation
what kinds of verbs are there
activities (swimming),
changes (got married),
continuous states
〜ている (activity verb)
action in progress
~ています (activity verb)
occupation/habit (routine)
______ is studying right now
_____ is reading a book in english
what are you doing right now?
I teach English/I am teaching English (right now)
_____ studies Japanese everyday
(食べ)ている present affirmative (he is eating)
(食べ)ている present negative (he is not eating)
(食べ)ている past affirmative (he was eating)
(食べ)ている past negative (he was not eating)
〜ている (change verbs)
result of a change
______ is married
______ is seated near the window
Person A has a body part which is…
A さんは (body part) が (adjective)
〜ましょう (end of sentence)
〜ましょうか (end of sentence)
shall we?
you may (may I)
る verbs て form
る –> て
う, つ, る verbs て form
う, つ, る –> って
む, ぶ, ぬ verbs て form
む, ぶ, ぬ → んで
ぐ verbs て form