Grammar - Expressing Sequence Flashcards
Use the sequence word AFTERWARD to say what came next in a series of events or points in time. (DEPOIS)
Use the sequence word SUBSEQUENTLY to say what came next in a series of events or points in time.
Use following with an object to say what came next in a series of events or points in time.
I got my engineering degree from Delft. Afterward, I began working for Smoot.
Eu me formei em engenharia em Delft. Depois, comecei a trabalhar para Smoot.
I got my engineering degree from Delft. Afterward, I began working for Smoot.
Eu me formei em engenharia em Delft. Depois, comecei a trabalhar para Smoot.
I graduated from high school in 2004. Subsequently, I moved to England to study at Oxford.
Concluí o ensino médio em 2004. Posteriormente, mudei-me para a Inglaterra para estudar em Oxford.
Following my promotion, I designed the Northside Professional Center.
Após minha promoção, projetei o Northside Professional Center.
Following that, I was recognized as Architect of the Year.
Depois disso, fui reconhecido como Arquiteto do Ano.
Use previously to say what came before another event. (Anteriormente)
I started here in May. Previously, I was working for a competitor.
Comecei aqui em maio. Antes, eu trabalhava para um concorrente.
Prior to + object
Use prior to + object to say what preceded another event or time.
Prior to my time managing HR, I wrote training courses.
Antes de gerenciar RH, eu escrevia cursos de treinamento.
Use the word currently to tell someone where you are working now.
I’m currently working at Bradesco Bank.
Atualmente trabalho no Banco Bradesco.
Prior to graduation, I got an internship at SWG.
Antes de me formar, consegui um estágio na SWG.
I graduated in 2005. subsequently, I moved to France and stayed until 2010.
Eu me formei em 2005. Depois, mudei para a França e fiquei até 2010.
Following my promotion, I was sent to the factory in Paris.
Após minha promoção, fui enviado para a fábrica em Paris.
I was just hired at the bank. Previously, I worked at BMW. Currently, I’m working as a product manager.
Acabei de ser contratado no banco. Antes, trabalhei na BMW. Atualmente, estou trabalhando como gerente de produto.