Grammar+Culture Flashcards
It will probably be good weather everyday this week.
こんしゅうは まいにち いいおてんきでしょう。
softens a statement so that you aren’t forcing your opinion on the listener but gently seeking agreement
なにか つめたい のみもの
“something to cold to drink”
- adjective and an infinitive can follow
Marks topic
Topic marker
じゃ また
“See you”. Informal way to end a conversation
しゃ あとで
“Then later”.
- only if you will see the person the same day
です けど。
“I would like”
が means but, however in this case it means “while I wish it could be done, I understand if it cannot”
です けど is the same but more polite
きょうは、なに を しますか。
“As for today, what are going to do?”
は in this case means “as for”
** Japanese sentences often start with the time phrase
“yes, something you wish to ask”
Literally means “I’m going to be rude”
Works like “excuse me” when leaving during the middle of something, to go to he bathroom, blowing your nose
~ さん
- everyone outside the family and close friends and company
- use last name-San til you are reasonably good friends then first name-San
- only drop San with family and very close friends
~ たち
Pluralizes people
わたしたち = we あなたたち = you guys ひとたち = people
To be, exist/have
There are large temples and Shrines.
おおきい おてらや じんじゃが あります。
What is an~ ?
~ is a what?
~ って なんですか。