Grammar Flashcards
Nouns (abstract)
A noun that does not physically exist
Nouns (concrete)
A noun that physically exists, something that you can touch
Nouns (proper)
A specific person, place, thing, or idea
A word that shows action, a state of being or a change in time
Verbs (action)
Shows action (jump , sit, run, hide)
Verbs (linking)
Shows state of being (am, was, being, been, seem, appear, look, become, grow, remain)
Words that modify (describe/changes) a noun or pronoun
Words that describe or modify verbs (time , place, manner)
A word that takes place of a noun ( I , me , he, she, herself , you, it, that, they, each, few, many, who, whoever, whose, someone, everybody)
Pronouns (possessive)
Ownership (mine, hers, theirs, whose, yours, his)
Pronouns (demonstrative)
This, that, these, those
A word that is a person, place, thing, or idea