Grammar Flashcards
group of words that express a complete thought or idea
the part of the sentence that is being talked about
the part of the sentence that comments or tells something about topic or subject of sentence. In Tagalog, there are sentences w/out a subject.
Words that tell you that the word that follows is the subject of the sentence. Markers used to indicate relationships among other parts of a sentence.
ang pronouns
pronouns that substitute for nouns marked by ang markers. Other ang pronouns: ako, ka, tayo, kayo, sila. These are in ang form meaning they’re used as the subject in sentence.
ang form
Nouns and pronouns marked by an ang marker
Interrogative Pronouns
Pronouns used to ask questions. Ex: sino, ano
Identificational Sentences
A sentence composed of two major elements: a subject & predicate w/out a verb. Subject (S) = Predicate (Prdct). In this type of sentence both S & Prdct are in ang form. Identificational senttis only structure in Tagalog where two ang forms are utilized. This form normally used to answer Sino Q’s.
Predicational Sentence
Most common type of sentence in Tagalog. Word order = Prdct then S. Prdct does not have any markers while S marked by ang. Ex: Guro si Martha. Pulis ang lalaki.
Proper Noun
A noun that refers to a particular name of a person, place, event, or thing. Ex: Philippines, Martin
Common Noun
A noun that refers to a general name of a person, place, event, or thing. Ex: game, dog, man
Short words that cannot stand by themselves. They must occur w/another word/group of words. Eclitics are considered adverbs in Tagalog. They express different meanings depending on environment they occur. Ex: ba, raw/daw, din/rin, na, pa
Ba - Question Marker
An eclitic that turns an affirmative sentence into a question. Ex:
Taga-Pilipinas po ang lalaki. –>
Taga-Pilipinas ba ang lalaki?
Affirmative Statement
Type of Predicational Sentence. States a piece of information or fact. Prdct + ang S. Prdct has no markers. Taga-Pilipinas po ako.
Negative Statement
Type of Predicational Sentence. Formed by adding hindi B4 affirmative statement. When S of sentence is pronoun - hindi + S + Prdct. When S of sentence is ang phrase/noun - hindi + Prdct + S.