Grammar Flashcards
-나요? / -았/었나요?
When you ask a question gently/politely with curiosity
When you ask gently with curiosity
- Did you eat something?
- Is it hard?
- Are you tired?
-나요? (v)
-ㄴ/-은가요? (a)
- 니? (between close friends) (v,a)
- 밥 먹었나요
- 힘든가요?
- 피곤한가요?
, too
, too
-고 있어요
-ing (present progressive) (verb)
-ing (present progressive) (verb)
-고 있어요
-는 거 좋아해요
like …ing
like …ing
-는 거 좋아해요
-아 / -어 / -해 주세요
Please do for me
Please do for me
-아 / -어 / -해 주세요
-아 / -어 / -해 봤어요
experience (have you ever…)
experience (have you ever…)
-아 / -어 / -해 봤어요
-ㄹ / -을래요?
Would you like to …?
Would you like to …?
-ㄹ / -을래요?
-아야 / -어야 / -해야 돼요
-아야/어야/해야 됐어요
have to / must to
have to / must to
-아야 / -어야 / -해야 돼요
-아야/어야/해야 됐어요
-ㄹ / -을 수 있어요
can (verb)
can (verb)
-ㄹ / -을 수 있어요
-ㄹ / -을 수 없어요
can’t (verb)
can’t (verb)
-ㄹ / -을 수 없어요
-인 것 같아요
-ㄹ / 을 것 같아요
-는 것 같아요
-ㄴ / -은 것 같아요
I think (n,v,a)
I will think
I think (n,v,a)
I will think
-인 것 같아요
-ㄹ / 을 것 같아요
-는 것 같아요
-ㄴ / -은 것 같아요
-았 / -었 / -했던 것 같아요
- 작년 봄이 더 시원했던 것 같아요.
- 몇 년 전에 여기에는 도서관이 있었던 것 같아요.
I think / seems like
recall a past experience or to speculate on a general past
- I think last spring was cooler.
- I think there was a library here a few years ago.
I think / seems like
- I think last spring was cooler.
- I think there was a library here a few years ago.
-았 / -었 / -했던 것 같아요
recall a past experience or to speculate on a general past
- 작년 봄이 더 시원했던 것 같아요.
- 몇 년 전에 여기에는 도서관이 있었던 것 같아요.
-이 / -가 아닌 것 같아요
- 이 음식은 매운 아닌 것 같아요.
don’t think, seems not to
- It seems like this food is not spicy
don’t think, seems not to
- It seems like this food is not spicy
-이 / -가 아닌 것 같아요
- 이 음식은 매운 아닌 것 같아요.
안 -아도 / -어도 / -해도 돼요
안 -아도 / -어도 / -해도 됐어요
don’t have to
didn’t have to
don’t have to
didn’t have to
안 -아도 / -어도 / -해도 돼요
안 -아도 / -어도 / -해도 됐어요
-랑 / -이랑
and, with
and, with
-랑 / -이랑
-이 / -가 아니에요
- 이 책은 새 책이 아니에요
- 그 동물은 고양이가 아니에요
to be not/ that is not the case
- This book is not a new book.
- This animal is not a cat.
to be not/ that is not the case
- This book is not a new book.
- This animal is not a cat.
-이 / -가 아니에요
- 이 책은 새 책이 아니에요
- 그 동물은 고양이가 아니에요
-기 싫어요
- 오늘 학교 가기 싫어요
hate to
- I don’t want to go to school today.
hate to
- I don’t want to go to school today.
-기 싫어요
- 오늘 학교 가기 싫어요.
- If you don’t eat vegetables, you can’t eat ice cream.
-면 / -으면
- 야채를 안 먹으면, 아이스크림을 먹을 수 없어요.
-면 / -으면
- 야채를 안 먹으면, 아이스크림을 먹을 수 없어요.
- If you don’t eat vegetables, you can’t eat ice cream.
-로 / -으로
- 밀가루로 빵을 만들었어요.
- 학교로 가요.
by, with, towards, for (using something)
(the location doesn’t have to be a destination)
- I made bread with flour.
- I’m going to school.
by, with, towards, for (using something)
- I made bread with flour.
- I’m going to school.
-로 / -으로
-by phone/bike
-with pencil
(the location doesn’t have to be a destination)
- 밀가루로 빵을 만들었어요.
- 학교로 가요.
- 생일 때 뭐 하고 싶어요?
in, on, when, during, when
- What do you want to do on your birthday?
in, on, when, during, when
- What do you want to do on your birthday?
- 생일 때 뭐 하고 싶어요
-는 때도
- 비가 오는 때도 나는 밖에 나갈 거예요.
- 친구가 없는 때도 나는 행복해요.
v + even when
- I’ll go outside even when it’s raining.
- I’m happy even when I don’t have friends.
even when xxxx
- I’ll go outside even when it’s raining.
- I’m happy even when I don’t have friends.
V + -는 때도
- 비가 오는 때도 나는 밖에 나갈 거예요.
- 친구가 없는 때도 나는 행복해요.
-ㄹ/을 때마다
- 그 도시에 가 때마다 항상 비가 옵니다
- 그 영화를 볼 때마다 우리는 웃었어요
v + whenever
- Whenever I go to that city, it always rains.
- Every time we watched the movie, we laughed.
- Whenever I go to that city, it always rains.
- Every time we watched the movie, we laughed.
v + -ㄹ/을 때마다
- 그 도시에 갈 때마다 항상 비가 옵니다
- 영화를 볼 때마다 우리는 웃었어요
-ㄹ/을 때까지
- 저녁 먹을 때까지 기다려주세요.
- 저는 죽을 때까지 한국에 살겠어요.
v + until
- Please wait until you have dinner.
- I will live in Korea until I die.
v + until (time)
- Please wait until you have dinner.
- I will live in Korea until I die.
v + -ㄹ/을 때까지
- 저녁 먹을 때까지 기다려주세요.
- 저는 죽을 때까지 한국에 살겠어요.
-ㄹ/을 때부터
- 어릴 때부터
- 비가 오는 때부터 나는 집에 있어요.
v + since, from
- Since I was young.
- I’ve been at home since it started raining.
- Since I was young.
- I’ve been at home since it started raining.
v + -ㄹ/을 때부터
- 어릴 때부터
- 비가 오는 때부터 나는 집에 있어요.
- 저는 어제부터 아팠어요.
- 저는 작년부터 한국어를 배웠어요.
from (time)
-부터 … -까지 (from … to)
- I have been sick since (from) yesterday.
- I have been learning Korean since last year.
from/ since
- I have been sick since (from) yesterday.
- I have been learning Korean since last year.
- 저는 어제부터 아팠어요.
- 저는 작년부터 한국어를 배웠어요.
- 나는 오늘 오후 두 시까지 일해요.
to B / until B
- I work until 2 p.m. today.
to B / until B
- I work until 2 p.m. today.
-부터 … -까지 (from … to)
- 나는 오늘 오후 두 시까지 일해요.
-ㄹ/을 때
- 밥을 먹을 때 텔레비전을 봐요.
- 시간이 있을 때 뭐 해요?
- 날씨가 좋을 때 산에 가요.
when (v)
- I watch TV when I eat.
- What do you do when you have time?
- I go to the mountains when the weather is nice.
when (v)
- I watch TV when I eat.
- What do you do when you have time?
- I go to the mountains when the weather is nice.
-ㄹ/을 때
- 밥을 먹을 때 텔레비전을 봐요.
- 시간이 있을 때 뭐 해요?
- 날씨가 좋을 때 산에 가요.
-는데 (v)
-ㄴ/은데 (a)
-인데 (n)
-ㄹ/을 건데 (v)
- 저는 오늘 일했는데 안 피곤해요.
- 저는 술을 안 좋아하는데, 왜 사람들이 술을 좋아해요?
- 선물 샀는데 언제 생길 파티 있다고 했어?
but, so/therefore, and
- I worked today, but I’m not tired.
- I don’t like alcohol, so why do people like it?
- I bought a gift. When did you say there was a party?
but, so/therefore, and
- I worked today, but I’m not tired.
- I don’t like alcohol, so why do people like it?
- I bought a gift. When did you say there was a party?
-는데 (v)
-ㄴ/은데 (a)
-인데 (n)
-ㄹ/을 건데 (v)
- 저는 오늘 일했는데 안 피곤해요
-는 편이에요
tend to/usually
tend to/usually (verb)
-는 편이에요
안 -는 편이에요
tend not to (verb)
tend not to (verb)
안 -는 편이에요
-는 편인 것 같아요
I think usually (verb)
I think usually
-는 편인 것 같아요
- 어제보다 오늘 더 더워요.
- It’s hotter today than yesterday.
- It’s hotter today than yesterday.
- 어제보다 오늘 더 더워요.
-지 마세요
-지 마세요
-면/으면 안 돼요
-면/으면 안 돼요
-지 (informal) / -죠 (formal)
- 바쁘죠?
- 가기 싫지?
, right? / , eh?
- You’re busy, right?
- You don’t want to go, do you?
, right? / , eh?
- You’re busy, right?
- You don’t want to go, do you?
-지 (informal) / -죠 (formal)
- 바쁘죠?
- 가기 싫지?
-을/를 위해서
- 건강해지기 위해서 매일 운동합니다.
- 그는 전 여자친구를 위해 많은 돈을 지불했요.
- 사람은 살기 위해서 먹어야 한다.
for someone/something
in order to
- I exercise every day to get healthy.
- He paid a lot of money for his ex-girlfriend.
- A person must eat in order to live.
for someone/something
in order to
- I exercise every day to get healthy.
- He paid a lot of money for his ex-girlfriend.
- A person must eat in order to live.
-을/를 위해서 (n)
-기 위해서 (v)
- 건강해지기 위해서 매일 운동합니다.
- 그는 전 여자친구를 위해 많은 돈을 지불했요.
- 사람은 살기 위해서 먹어야 한다.
A/V -기 때문에
N + 때문에
- 나중에 먹을 것이기 때문에 지금 먹고 싶지 않아.
- 아이 때문에 피곤해요.
- 폰이 없었기 때문에 연락하지 못했어요.
because of (that noun)
- I don’t want to eat it now because I’m going to eat it later.
- I’m tired because of my child.
- I couldn’t contact you because I didn’t have a phone.
because (of that) (n)
- I don’t want to eat it now because I’m going to eat it later.
- I’m tired because of my child.
- I couldn’t contact you because I didn’t have a phone.
A/V -기 때문에
N + 때문에
- 나중에 먹을 것이기 때문에 지금 먹고 싶지 않아.
- 아이 때문에 피곤해요.
- 폰이 없었기 때문에 연락하지 못했어요.
-아서 / 어서 / 해서
- 너무 매워서 한국 음식은 못 먹어요
- 집에 와서 잤어요
- 배고파서 먹고 싶어요.
because, so, therefore (verb, adjective)
and, in order to (verb)
- It’s too spicy to eat Korean food.
- I came home and slept.
- I want to eat because I’m hungry.
for because:
Cannot be used in imperative or propositive sentences (making commands, requests, suggestions, or saying “let’s do..”)
because, so, therefore (verb, adjective)
and, in order to (verb)
- It’s too spicy to eat Korean food.
- I came home and slept.
- I want to eat because I’m hungry.
-아서 / -어서 / -해서
- 너무 매워서 한국 음식은 못 먹어요.
- 집에 와서 잤어요.
- 배고파서 먹고 싶어요.
for because:
Cannot be used in imperative / propositive sentences (making commands, requests, suggestions, or saying “let’s do..”)
-니까 / -으니까
-니까 / -이니까
- 날씨가 좋으니까 같이 산책해요.
- 비가 오니까 밖에 나가지 마세요.
because (of), so (verb, adjective, noun)
- used in imperative / propositive sentences (making commands, requests, suggestions, or saying “let’s do..”): 세요, ㄹ까요., 자, ㅂ시다
- Because the weather is nice, let’s go for a walk.
- Because it rains, don’t go outside.
because (of), so (verb, adjective, noun)
- Because the weather is nice, let’s go for a walk.
- Because it rains, don’t go outside.
-니까 / -으니까 (v)
-니까 / -이니까 (n, a)
- 날씨가 좋으니까 같이 산책해요.
- 비가 오니까 밖에 나가지 마세요.
-라서 / -이라서
- 휴가라서 여행하고 있어요.
- 내일 친구 생일이라서 선물을 사야 돼요.
so, therefore (n) + (v)
- It’s holiday so I am travelling.
- Tomorrow is my friend’s birthday, so I need to buy a present.
so, therefore (n) + (v)
- It’s holiday so I am travelling.
- Tomorrow is my friend’s birthday, so I need to buy a present.
- 휴가라서 여행하고 있어요.
- 내일 친구 생일이라서 선물을 사야 돼요.
-고 싶어 해요
- 언니는 영화를 보고 싶어 해요.
want to (Third person (He/she/it))
- My sister wants to see a movie.
want to (Third person (He/she/it))
- My sister wants to see a movie.
-고 싶어 해요
- 언니는 영화를 보고 싶어 해요.
- 한국어하고 영어 공부해요.
- 친구하고 영화 봤어요.
with, and (noun)
- I study Korean and English.
- I watched a film with a friend.
with, and (noun)
- I study Korean and English.
- I watched a film with a friend.
- 한국어하고 영어 공부해요.
- 친구하고 영화 봤어요.
- 저는 지금 집에 가요.
- 금요일에 축구를 해요.
in, at, on (noun) + go, come, be
expresses a location where something “is” or “exists”, or a direction that you are going toward.
- I’m going home now.
- I play football on Friday.
in, at, on (noun) + go, come, be
expresses a location where something “is” or “exists”, or a direction that you are going toward.
- I’m going home now.
- I play football on Friday.
- 저는 지금 집에 가요.
- 금요일에 축구를 해요.
- 저는 학교에서 공부할 거예요.
- 저는 한국어를 한국에서 배웠어요.
in, at, from (noun) + action verb
1) a location where an action is taking place
2) the meaning of “from” a place
ONLY locations
- I’m going to study at school.
- I learnt Korean in Korea.
in, at, from (noun) + action verb
- I’m going to study at school.
- I learnt Korean in Korea.
1) a location where an action is taking place
2) the meaning of “from” a place
ONLY locations
- 저는 학교에서 공부할 거예요
- 저는 한국어를 한국에서 배웠어요
-는 거 어려워요
difficult to …
difficult to …
-는 거 어려워요
-는 거 힘들어요
hard to …
hard to …
-는 거 힘들어요
- 제가 전화 할게요.
- 외출하기 전에 문을 닫을게요.
I will (promise)
- I will call you.
- I’ll close the door before I go out.
I will (promise)
- I will call you.
- I’ll close the door before I go out.
- 제가 전화 할게요.
- 외출하기 전에 문을 닫을게요.
- 누구한테 들었어요?
- 친구한테 편지를 썼어요.
to/from someone
- Who did you hear from?
- I wrote a letter to a friend.
to/from someone
- Who did you hear from?
- I wrote a letter to a friend.
- 누구한테 들었어요?
- 친구한테 편지를 썼어요.
from someone
from someone
- I got a birthday present from my friend.
- I learnt a new word from my teacher today.
- 친구한테서 생일 선물을 받았어요
- 오늘 선생님한테서 새로운 단어를 배웠어요
-는 편인 것 같아요
- 고양이 키우는 편인 것 같아요.
I think I tend to/prefer (v)
- I think I prefer to raise a cat.
I think I tend to (v)
- I think I prefer to raise a cat.
-는 편인 것 같아요
- 고양이 키우는 편인 것 같아요.
-지 않아요
- 숙제하지 않아요.
not to
- I don’t do homework.
not to
- I don’t do homework.
-지 않아요
- 숙제하지 않아요.
-냐? (n)
- 느냐? (v)
- 으냐? (a)
- 학생이냐?
- 어디 있느냐?
- 슬프냐?
When you ask not gently
- Are you a student?
- Where are you?
- Are you sad?
When you ask not gently
- Are you a student?
- Where are you?
- Are you sad?
-냐? (n)
- 느냐? (v)
- 으냐? (a)
- 학생이냐?
- 어디 있느냐?
- 슬프냐?
-예요 (V) / -이에요 (C)
- 사과가 아니에요.
- 내일이 아니에요
is, am, are (noun)
- It’s not an apple.
- It’s not tomorrow.
is, am, are not (noun)
- It’s not an apple.
- It’s not tomorrow.
-예요 (V) / -이에요 (C)
- 사과가 아니에요.
- 내일이 아니에요
was (noun)
- He was a celebrity.
- I was a singer.
-였어요 / -이었어요 (n)
- 그는 연예인이었어요.
- 저는 가수였어요.
-였어요 / -이었어요
- 그 도시는 이쁘었어요
was (n)
- The city was beautiful
-이 / -가 아니었어요
- 그 사람은 나의 친구가 아니었어요.
was not (noun)
- He wasn’t my friend
was not (noun)
- He wasn’t my friend
-이 / -가 아니었어요
- 그 사람은 나의 친구가 아니었어요.
-ㄹ / -을 수도 있어요
- 생일 파티에 올 수도 있어요.
- 내일 추울 수도 있어요.
could, might
- You might come to a birthday party.
- It could be cold tomorrow.
could, might
- You might come to a birthday party.
- It could be cold tomorrow.
-ㄹ / -을 수도 있어요
- 생일 파티에 올 수도 있어요.
- 내일 추울 수도 있어요.
-는 거 싫어해요
- 일찍 일어나는 거 싫어해요.
hate to
- I hate waking up early.
hate to
- I hate waking up early.
-는 거 싫어해요
- 일찍 일어나는 거 싫어해요.
-는 거 어려워요
- 요리하는 거 어려워요.
it’s difficult
- Cooking is difficult.
it’s difficult
- Cooking is difficult.
-는 거 어려워요
- 요리하는 거 어려워요.
every (noun)
every (noun)
- 저녁 식사 후에 커피를 마셔요.
- 봄이 오는 후에 꽃이 핀다.
later/after (noun)
- I drink coffee after dinner.
- Flowers bloom after spring.
after (noun & verb)
- I drink coffee after dinner.
- Flowers bloom after spring.
N + 후에 (noun)
V + (으)ㄴ/는 후에
- 저녁 식사 후에 커피를 마셔요.
- 봄이 오는 후에 꽃이 핀다.
N + 전에 / V + 기 전에
- 10분 전에 저녁을 먹었어요.
- 학교에 가기 전에 제가 아침을 먹어요.
ago (noun)
- I had dinner 10 minutes ago.
- Before I go to school, I eat breakfast.
Before, ago (noun & verb)
- I had dinner 10 minutes ago.
- Before I go to school, I eat breakfast.
N + 전에 / V + 기 전에
- 10분 전에 저녁을 먹었어요.
- 학교에 가기 전에 제가 아침을 먹어요.
-려고 / -으려고 하다
- 단어를 공부하려고 했어요.
- 주말에 친구들과 만나려고 해요.
to plan to, to be supposed to, to be trying to (v)
- I was going to study words
- I’m going to meet my friends over the weekend
to plan to, to be supposed to, to be trying to (v)
- I was going to study words
- I’m going to meet my friends over the weekend
-려고 / -으려고 하다
- 단어를 공부하려고 했어요.
- 주말에 친구들과 만나려고 해요.
V -ㄴ/-는다고 말하다
A -다고 하다
N -이 / -가 이라고 하다
V future: -ㄹ/-을 거라고 하다
Past: 었 았 했다고 하다
to say that
to say that (v/a/n/future/past)
V -ㄴ/-는다고 말하다
A -다고 하다
N -이 / -가 이라고 하다
V future: -ㄹ/-을 거라고 하다
Past: 었 았 했다고 하다
-에 따라 달라요
- 날씨에 따라 달라요.
It depends on
- It depends on the weather.
It depends on
- It depends on the weather.
-에 따라 달라요
- 날씨에 따라 달라요.
-ㄴ / -은 / -는 / -ㄹ / -을 / -인 줄 몰랐어요.
- 친구가 꽃을 좋아하는 줄 몰랐어요.
- 오늘은 비가 올 줄 몰랐어요.
didn’t know that
- I didn’t know my friend liked flowers.
- I didn’t know it would rain today.
didn’t know that
- I didn’t know my friend liked flowers.
- I didn’t know it would rain today.
-ㄴ / -은 / -는 / -ㄹ / -을 / -인 줄 몰랐어요
- 친구가 꽃을 좋아하는 줄 몰랐어요.
- 오늘은 비가 올 줄 몰랐어요.
-ㄴ / -은 / -는 / -ㄹ / -을 / 인 줄 알았어요
- 사과가 맛있는 줄 알았어요.
- 그 사람이 배우일 줄 알았어요.
thought that
- I thought the apple would be tasty.
- I thought he was an actor.
thought that
- I thought the apple would be tasty.
- I thought he was an actor.
-ㄴ / -은 / -는 / -ㄹ / -을 / 인 줄 알았어요
- 사과가 맛있는 줄 알았어요.
- 그 사람이 배우일 줄 알았어요.
-고 싶어요
want to
wanted to:
-고 싶었어요
Want to
Wanted to
-고 싶어요
-고 싶었어요
- 밥을 먹자!
Let‘s … (with another person)
- Let’s eat something.
Let‘s … (with another person)
- Let’s eat something.
- 밥을 먹자!
-ㄹ/을 줄 알아요
- 김밥을 만들 줄 알아요.
- 그것을 할 줄 알아요?
(to) know how (how to)
- I know how to make Gimbap.
- Do you know how to do it?
(to) know how (to)
- I know how to make Gimbap.
- Do you know how to do it?
-ㄹ/을 줄 알아요
- 김밥을 만들 줄 알아요.
- 그것을 할 줄 알아요?
(to) not know how (to)
-I don’t know how to do that.
-ㄹ/을 줄 몰라요
- 저는 그것을 할 줄 몰라요.
-ㄹ/을 줄 몰라요
- 저는 그것을 할 줄 몰라요.
(to) not know how (to)
-I don’t know how to do that.
-은/는 어때요?
- 날씨는 어때요?
How is …? How about …?
-은/는 어땠어요?
How is the weather?
How is …? How about …?
How is the weather?
-은/는 어때요?
-은/는 어땠어요?
- 날씨는 어때요?
-에 대해
-에 대해서
- 친구에 대해
-에 대해 이야기하다.
-에 대해서 이야기하다.
- about friend
- About a friend.
-에 대해
-에 대해서
- 친구에 대해 (about friend)
for, during
- I studied Korean for an hour
- 저는 한 시간 동안 한국어를 공부했어요
- 저는 한 시간 동안 한국어를 공부했어요
for, during
- I studied Korean for an hour
- 정말 재미있겠네요.
I bet / must be
- I bet this must be fun!
I bet / must be
- I bet this must be fun!
- 정말 재미있겠네요.
right? isn’t it?
right? isn’t it?
(Maybe true, maybe not)
as you know/you know/don’t forget that
-used when talking to sb. who already knows (or should already know) the fact that you are saying
- I told you this was correct!
- Willi is hungry, I told you already!
- 맞잖아요!
- 윌리가 배고프잖아!
- 맞잖아요!
- 윌리가 배고프잖아!
as you know/you know/don’t forget that
-used when talking to sb. who already knows (or should already know) the fact that you are saying
- I told you this was correct!
- Willi is hungry, I told you already!
-아/어/해 봐요
-아/어/해 봤어요
-아/어/해 보세요
to try to (v) 보다
to try to (v)
-아/어/해 봐요
-아/어/해 봤어요
-아/어/해 보세요
- 이것은 누구의 책이에요?
- 내 가방의 색깔이 빨간색이에요.
- Whose book is this?
- The color of my bag is red.
- Whose book is this?
- The color of my bag is red.
- 이것은 누구의 책이에요?
- 내 가방의 색깔이 빨간색이에요.
-면/으면 안 되는 것 같아요
I think you shouldn’t
It’s not okay to
I think you shouldn’t
-면/으면 안 되는 것 같아요
in order to
- in order to go to Korea
- 한국에 가려고
Only present & past
- 한국에 가려고
in order to
- in order to go to Korea
Only present & past
convey surprise or realization in response to new information. It’s often used with verbs or adjectives to express a sense of discovery or understanding.
- You are studying hard.
v-는 구나
a 구나
- 열심히 공부하는 구나
v-는 구나
a 구나
- You are studying hard.
convey surprise or realization in response to new information. It’s often used with verbs or adjectives to express a sense of discovery or understanding.
- 열심히 공부하는 구나
-았/었/했으면 좋겠습니다
- 행복하셨으면 좋겠어요
- 건강하셨으면 좋겠어요
to wish, to hope
- I wish you are happy.
- I wish you are healthy.
to wish, to hope
- I wish you are happy.
- I wish you are healthy.
-았/었/했으면 좋겠어요
- 행복하셨으면 좋겠어요
- 건강하셨으면 좋겠어요